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Image Comments posted by almagnus

    Blue tower

    Now, I'm sure a bit of PS can remove the cars from the centre line front. Now I've mentionned it, I can only see that! Great originality, keep up with your great pics...

    Just Nature IR

    Very nice picture...but... I bet if I tell you its a pity the tree reflection is "cut" you would agree. The clouds are fantastic, but it would have been more powerfull to get more dark. Basically I think you should have used a shorter focal length, and eventually a square format... just my humble view...

    Silent heights


    absolutely fantastically creative... but unlike 90% of your other work, this does not "talk" to me... maybe I don't see the symbol behind it, making it only esthetic instead of "dream-like". Get it?! Of course I can see "robots-magrittes" flying in a sort of mechnanical way (airplane)... but can't link to a vision...

    Continue to outstand us all, and sorry my english.

  1. I tried to give a special atmosphere to this picture, mainly by

    exagerating the detail in the trees and painting the white areas of

    the church. More details if you wish... Hope you like it...

    Sweet home


    Dear Ben, I absolutely love your photos, and I see perfectly the founding of the answer you made to Kim. However, and I have already asked this question to Jim McNitt, all the objects are real (or photographed or recieve photo texture) except the skies and land which are volutarily unreal. Surely you have enough horizons and skies in stock so you can put real photos? Why don't you? Take for exemple Uelsmann... all skies, land etc.. are not created...

    Thanks for an answer...

    Rainy Day

    This is original and subtle. A very fine picture, my favorite on PN today. You have really got the atmosphere in the foreground and background... a three dimensionnal atmosphere. Excellent work! Continue for our pleasure...

    "The Lampost"


    After reading Marco Panza (on Newton, if I'm correct), now you're on to Pastoureau...

    I certainly see what you mean with blue. I see that blue is your colour texture : you use it as you apply textures. For me they both have the same effect in creating an atmosphere without distracting, and, in a way, erasing all imperfections (in representing the colors and details of the real world) that such type of pictures always have.

    Anyway what I like in your pictures is the sytematic link to a "background", a cultural background. After all, culture is what you're left with when you have forgotten everything else.

    Continue with these fine pics!

  2. Jim, I love the idea, definetely this is creative and I know its not easy... You may have deliberatly wanted to create this unreal atmosphere, not unreal by the "floating" apples, but more the sky and land textures. So I would like to know (it's a question I ask myself for my one works) why you did not work with some real sky pictures or grassland pictures? I would interestingly like to see the same subject treated so. Thanks for an answer.

    The door


    Eh ben... coup d'essai, coup de maitre.

    I would just add that purists would not like the lack of detail in the dark black... I tell you, it does not bother me at all...

    Et encore bravo.

  3. Thank you all for the comments. I agree with the comments on the "coloring". The original pic was intended to be in BW. I am a beginner in photography. Someone told me to bring something extra to the pic. Thats why the color! Now I'll only take my one advice!... well except yours!



    This BW picture was very boring. I decided to interpret it in a

    different way... to see what I really saw.

    I must admit the print looks way better in the soft tones.Hope you

    like it anyway.



    I think the model looks too "neutral"... what do you think?

    The red lips are there to give some extra "punch" to the pic. I know

    some of you would disagree.

    Tell me what you think. And please, no "1" "1" like some gave to my



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