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Image Comments posted by erikj



    This is an interesting, unique photo. Is this painting with light or Photoshop, or what?


    His expression/pose needs a bit more context to me.

    Art Nude


    This is a great shot. Somewhat unusual pose, beautiful model, interesting lighting. I like the sheen on her skin, too. Well done. there is one thing that kind of detracts from the shot, and that is the vein in her neck. She looks like she is straining.


    Could you share your lighting setup with us?

    Ecce Homo

    This is a disturbingyet interestingphoto, he seems like some kind of pervert. Considering you are a girl, that makes the shot all the more gross. But just in looking at the photo, I see someone who wants me to see his penis for some reason. Also, I would have put him off center.
  1. Here is the shot cropped in a little tighter. I hope I dont offend by doing this to your work, it is much easier to show than explain. The lines in the street still illustrate where they are. Also, your eye focuses more on the faded hopscotch squares chalked into the sidewalk.

  2. Cute shot. I wish you had tilted the camera down and gotten in a little closer. My eye shoots over their head, searching the background and the toys are uncomfortably close to the botton of the frame. Also, maybe DOF would help put attention on the kids more than the b/g.
  3. I have 2 disrelated comments


    First, this would be a great shot if the plane of focus was somewhere that made sense (even if the entire shot were a blur). I am sure you are not trying to draw the viewer's eyes to the camera strap.


    Second, I think that the 2nd comment is hilarious. By "you look interesting" he of course means you are GORGEOUS and he wants to see more self portraits, I'm sure.


    Good luck.


    It looked to me like water tension, or something. I like images that look like one thing and are something else, or images that make you think and stare for a little while. I usually dont go for abstract stuff, but this image could not have been executed any better. Kudos!
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