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Image Comments posted by erikj



    You seem to be doing OK. Of course it helps that you have a rapport with the subject.


    With natural light, it is usually pretty safe to get close to a window (you never want the subject directly in the rays of the sun) and put a reflective white card or other surface on the other side of them to fill the shadows (especially with women) and shoot away.



    I get it, you saw the 2 silly photos I posted, and that they were shot with the Sony 707. I actually don't have most of my film scanned in because I don't mess around with most of my shots really at all.


    I guess it depends on what the photo is about. If it is about her being a street urchin, or taking a shortcut to school, then your crop is OK.


    She is pretty and I like some of your other shots of her.



    There are a few things going for this photo, but the way you put her right in the middle of the frame,her static pose, and her meaningless expression, all detract from an otherwise decent photo. The fact that you cross processed it, is OK, but makes me want for some more "fashion" her outfit is kind of blah. I hate those jeans. If she hadnt accidently spilled a ton of bleach on the front of them... Also her shoes are goofy and way too white. I dont know if you have the full frame here, but some cropping would do this shot a LOT of justice.


    The Drummer


    I disagree with Craig. If those people were lit, wouldnt you be trying to figure out who they are MORE? This is obviously street photography, and I think you couldn't ask for anything better. Very nice work!


    He must work out.

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