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Image Comments posted by erikj



    Thank you for the input. I have found a good amount of people kind of need b&w to consider something a nice art shot. This shot could very well be a toned b&w print, so I don't know what it would gain by having no color, as the shot is already very monotone.


    On another note, I have had trouble finding perfect specimens of fruits and veggies, so I am embracing the imperfections and bruizes on my produce. It gives them a more every day (non Harry & David) feel.

  1. I disagree with David. If you didn't have the caption you wouldn't know that is a sunflower in the mirror. It just looks like two very nice specimens of sunflowers facing eachother. Nice color, nice composition, nice light, nice idea.


    As a side note, I think this is a great way of doubling up your subject, i.e. if you DID want to make it look like they were 2 sunflowers facing eachother, you would only have to find one perfect specimen.



    Sometimes people say things like "You are rating the model and not the photo." In my opinion, that is an oxymoron. The photo IS OF A MODEL.


    If you compose and light a pile of sh*t perfectly, it is still just a photo of feces, that will be revolting to most anyone who looks at it. In other words, It is part of your job as a photographer to shoot things that are interesting, or stimulating, or aesthetically pleasing, like Gitane and her big... leaf.




    This model is extremely sexy. I can't imagine why you would be afraid of people saying anything bad about her. She completely makes this image.


    It took me a few seconds to figure out what is going on in the shot. I bet it's more obvious in a bigger print.


    This guy ^^^ is on crack. Of course the light falls off, her feet are further away from the source than her head. I love the low key subtle skylight-like feel to the light. These shots are very nice.
  2. I saw this guy one day and sat there for about 10 minutes listening to

    him and noticed the sign behind him made a sort of halo. I came back a

    couple of days later and there he was, like always. This guy stands

    out there all year long. If you go shopping downtown Chicago to the

    area around State and Madison, you will see him in front of the Old Navy.

    Stop sign


    I was walking to the bus one morning and the snow that had piled up on

    the face of this stop sign started sliding off. About 2 seconds after

    I took this shot, it was on the ground.


    This is an AMAZING SHOT!!! I cannot believe that you didn't use photoshop to acheive this look. I guess the smoke gives you the texture that sort of replicates faded brush strokes. The models hair detracts from the shot, in my opinion.
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