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Image Comments posted by bridget_hunt



    I have the colour original of this photo but I think it works better

    in black and white, I am new to Photoshop so any comments on the

    photograph or image manipulation would be great !! Many thanks.

    Begging Hippo

    I was so depressed today, I just looked at this photo and have been laughing for the last five minutes......that to me makes 7/7 for a great shot....it is what photography is all about.



    I took my camera to Covent Garden in London to see if I could get

    some good pictures of street entertainers, instead I took random

    pictures of people standing around watching. It will probably be

    seen as just another snapshot but I have only just started

    photography so any comments or suggestions would be really helpful,

    thank you.


    Please see spelling correction and thanks for picking me upon it.....thank you to everyone for very constructive comments...I have checked out your folders and you all have some brilliant photos, very inspiring....thanks again.



    Suggestions would be great on improving this photo....I have just

    discovered photoshop but am not very confident with it so have left

    this image unmanipulated. Any comments, suggestions or help would be

    brilliant !



    Just recently started photography, this is one of the first shots I

    have taken of my best friend and I want to improve my general

    photography skills. I don't have much money for lighting or general

    studio equipment so advice on taking good portraits with natural

    light would be great.....many thanks

  1. I would like some advice, I only started photography a year ago and

    am interested in shooting portraits for fun. I like to try and see

    the beauty in everyone and just need general advice ! This website

    has given me enormous inspiration and everyday I get to look at and

    learn from the best......

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