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Julio Fernandez

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Everything posted by Julio Fernandez

  1. For the 13th, continuing on the classic cars theme - Olympus 35SP, Fuji 400 consumer film.
  2. For the 30th - Fish in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil), years ago. Olympus XA, Fuji 400 consumer film.
  3. Rain and winter are keeping me inside. An older picture, Christmas Museum in Rothenburg ob der Tauber (Germany). Pentax ME with 18-28 no-name zoom.
  4. Instructions for magnesium photography, around 1915 (in Spanish). “AT NIGHT, with utmost ease and with no preparation you can take beautiful pictures with magnesium. Just press the release and touch with a match a magnesium capsule that costs $ 0.20. It is the most practical method for children photography. Do a test and you will be convinced that this procedure is even simpler than daylight photography. ASK FOR INFORMATION.”
  5. For the 25th., getting fish out of the net. Minolta Autocord, probably FP4+ in Beutler.
  6. That is a real flashbulb, not the wimpy cubes I once used!
  7. From the Contarex with 50mm Planar and 35mm Distagon, FP4+ in D-23. All in the local aero museum.
  8. For the 11th, local aeronautical museum, Bullseye Contarex with 35mm Distagon, FP4+ in D-23.
  9. For the 5th. - unloading the catch. Old picture from Minolta Hi-Matic 9, no-name C41 ISO 100 film, lab scanned.
  10. Hi Ralf! Indeed, there is separation in the Planar. Did not affect pictures last time I used it, but let us see what happens this time.
  11. I like my FG, nice and undervalued little Nikon body.
  12. Making up for the 21st., an old shot from the Retina II.
  13. To make up for the 20th. Trees In Colonia del Sacramento, several years ago. Retina II, FP4+.
  14. Another from the Agfa Selectaflex, Telinear 90mm lens.
  15. Argus cameras were unknown in my country, a rarity. The C3 shutter is very easy to work on, and the Cintar lens is above average. The Harry Potter film showing a C3 made an icon of the Brick. A wonderful camera to learn.
  16. This week (and next) it is “The Beast”, a Contarex that was my late father’s pride. I plan to use the Planar, Distagon 35mm and Sonnar 135mm. Loaded with last roll from FP4+ bulk.
  17. For the 14th.: Sailing lesson, Optimist class. Agfa Selectaflex with Solinar 2.8/50, FP4+ in D-23 1:1.
  18. From the Agfa Selectaflex featured in “What camera…”. I finally got the autoexposure to work, but shot most of the roll in manual aperture mode.
  19. Great! Ricoh was getting very close to the Minolta Autocord. I like that double lever focusing. How does it work? You move either lever?
  20. For the 8th., Retina IIIS, Xenar lens, FP4+.
  21. Just loaded FP4+ in the old Agfa Selectaflex, with its nice little lenses. The autoexposure is kaputt, which is not a big problem.
  22. From the Retina IIIS shown in “What camera…”, FP4+ in D+23 1:1 Beach access Stairs to the water Moro and Kevin boats
  23. For the 30th., Moro and Kevin. Retina IIIS, Curtagon 35mm/2.8, FP4+ in D-23 1:1.
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