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Everything posted by dankapsner

  1. I confess some of my lack of posting has to do with forgetting how to use my software. I have also encountered new tools and software that leave me flummoxed. The above was shot on an iPhone and processed in "Photos," an Apple program that is so simple it confounds me. I hope to use the iPhone more, and to better effect, by playing with it as I once did with Polaroids. I wonder if I'll have to use duct tape to get it to stay on a tripod? More will be revealed....
  2. Still pondering this photograph...I would like to see it in B&W with the corners burned in a tad...but that's just me....
  3. The heavy equipment seems rather demure--one wonders what it has to hide? The suggestion of mystery makes me want to look behind the wall and the blue tarp. The red wall in the background adds tension--as if it's putting the squeeze on from the back and the wall from the front.
  4. Carlos, I cannot tell you why this photograph grabs me so: at the risk of going Zen on you, it suggests some elemental state of being to me. The composition and framing are slightly "off" in a way that works marvelously. (Did I mention I like it?)
  5. Wow! Escher was here! What a delightful scramble of shape and space!
  6. My God! What has become of Number 2? You really ARE the fifth Beatle, Jack, and this is part of your Magical Mystery Tour.
  7. An element of mystery creeps into this elegant composition, giving the photograph a gentle nudge. Is is possible to have early morning film noir?
  8. Jack, This is perfect! Every element is "just so," and the presence of the photographer's shadow is the correct garnish to this visual salad.
  9. "I'd like to be, under the sea, in an octopuses garden in the shade...." Jack, I don't know how to break this to you, but you may be the fifth Beatle. Dan
  10. dankapsner

    Oh no! He's back!

    Thank you for the warm welcome, gentlemen! I tried to kick photography but I couldn't do it. I fiddled around with an iPhone and even an iPad (photo methadone, I think) but eventually I have come back to the hard stuff. Being a photographer is a bit like having malaria: you feel pretty good, assume remission is permanent, and then all of a sudden it's fever and chills all over again. So I surrender to the virus. But things have changed a bit since I took it seriously (that is, if I do take it seriously) and I am struggling with software and all that. Actually, I've been dreaming of the darkroom, too, and cruising the web for medium format, Leica, and large format cameras. (Film--how quaint! I gather they still make the stuff.) For the time being I'm going to try to take it slowly--I'm allegedly retired, after all--but I have a feeling this relapse is long lasting. Again, my thanks for your warm welcome! Dan
  11. dankapsner

    Blame It On My Youth

    Leica M4-2, 50mm lens, Ilford Delta 400 film

    © Copyright 2002 Dan Kapsner All rights reserved

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