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Everything posted by dankapsner

  1. The word that comes to mind is "serenity." There is so much to like here: the profusion of shapes, the near and far, the curved wall that takes us to the open area where a man sits on a bench...I could look at this for a long time.
  2. I can't keep up with you. Is 12th and Mission where people go to experience alienation? Love the bisection of the people on the edges of the frame--it adds tension and suggests drama.
  3. I find the composition compelling, and the humor doesn't hurt. Such a curious collection of shapes! Perhaps they are everywhere, all the time, but someone has to take the time to see them.
  4. Black and white works for the photograph, adding a sense of mystery, but it's a quick eye and a quick hand that makes it happen.
  5. How lovely! Life is good.
  6. I laughed out loud when first saw this, and I am still laughing.
  7. I feel a sense of mystery here...the open space in front of the tree suggests that there is something underneath.
  8. What Carlos said--exuberant! And a touch of H. C-B. if I may be allowed the observation.
  9. How lovely. I could contemplate this for a long time.
  10. Visually speaking this is a gas--a pachinko game for the eyeballs. You see what others routinely pass by, to our delight.
  11. I have learned to expect the unexpected with you, Jack, and my expectations have been rewarded once again.
  12. Carlos, So it was you who was taking my picture! (Nice shot!)
  13. It's all been said, and it's true. Well done!
  14. Strange mood here with all the cool blues and that one warm spot of light. The orange of what appears to be a trash container resonates with the light, and there's a hint of warmth on the slide-like shape on the right. Lots of shapes here, co-existing in the frame but without appearing jammed in. This is a puzzle I do not tire of; the longer I look the more I want to look.
  15. dankapsner

    Gone to Seed

    You're on a hot streak, it appears. And I identify with the title, alas....
  16. I laughed out loud when I read the title; it's perfect. As for the state of the world, oh my....
  17. Oh sweet mystery of life, what is going on here? A lovely composition of the inexplicable. The crook of the white cane in the lower left hand corner is a nice touch. Was this ridden by a blind bicyclist?
  18. Elliot Erwitt would get a kick out of this! That may be as high a praise as there is in my book. I absolutely love it. In the background under the rail it appears there "The Wave" is forming--a mini-Hokusai. I am delighted I took a moment to check in tonight.
  19. I so admire the feeling of warmth and humanity conveyed in your photographs!
  20. Jack, Your brother towers in the frame, a veritable Gulliver; the effect probably comes from the angle and the framing. It is an ordinary moment, perhaps, but also a "just so" moment where all the elements hangs together perfectly in space. It is sublime.
  21. Amazing, insane energy here! Love the movement, including the shaking face on the front of the shirt (our president, perchance?) I'm not even sure exactly what I'm seeing here, but I suspect it's magic.
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