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Image Comments posted by zlm

  1. My first trip to the Canyon, and it was just amazing. Tried to find

    a nice place to sit to watch the sunset, and this wasn't bad. I'd

    love to hear some feedback please, so far my shots from this trip

    haven't been getting the best feedback, and I'd like to know why many

    people don't seem to like them, thanks!

    Utah Sunset


    Had to pull over for this scene, sat and waited until I felt the

    color and setup were great, and then snapped a couple shots before my

    battery died. I'd love to hear any advice people had to share,

    that's what I'm here for, thanks!

    Irish Coast


    Taken several years back, but have always liked it. The grain is

    probably an artifact somewhat of having a cheap scanner. Thanks for

    any advice or critiques!

  2. Wow, you took what would normally end up as a crappy looking shot from a window and made it amazing. I think being able to see the rooftops with clarity is what makes the picture special, great job!



    Well, my first thought was, "whoa, change the white-balance!" The background also doesn't really help that much either. A lot of potential though, interesting subject and really nice framing. Perhaps the blue hue is intentional, and in that case I just say, that for me, it doesn't really work. Keep shooting!


    PS - Just looked at the rest of your portfolio, and you've got some really nice stuff!

  3. Ah, I see. I always had the problem too when I was still using film, because I didn't have any access to a nice scanner, one of my favorite parts about digital so far. Thanks for the comment on my photo.
  4. Three thoughts, first, this must have been an absolutely amazing scene. Second, I think if you exposed this just a tab less, the colors would be even more vibrant. Also, the whole photo is a bit blurry, which I'm is because you were in a boat, not the easiest place to get sharp focus. Certainly has loads of potential though!


    Very cute moment, though technically speaking it looks a tad over-exposed. Shots with such bright light can be so hard to expose correctly. Well done.

    Flying Bernardo

    Hmm, my first thought was, "how was this picture taken?" I'm still not sure, but oh well. A very fun picture, lots of emotion, can just feel the happiness of the child. Nicely done.


    That looks like one hell of a rainstorm. Hope you kept yourself dry, cameras tend to not be too happy with weather like that :) Great moment captured very well.

    Just the way it is

    Extremely cute shot, I think it would be helped a bit by lighting at a different time of day, perhaps around dusk to get a bit of a yellow or orange tint, but still, great as is.


    I've been looking at buying the 50mm f/1.4, how do you like it? My only concern is that it doesn't have Ring-type USM, but it does still have full-time manual focusing. Sorry, I digress. I disagree with the previous commenter, there's a plenty obvious point of focus, right about on the filter ring of the lens. Anyway, keep on shooting.
  5. I've got some pictures of fall leaf colors that look like that, the background begins to look like a watercolor or stained glass in some. Sometimes it's the little things like that that make an image. Keep on shooting!
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