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Image Comments posted by zlm



    Was pretty impressed with these when they bloomed. Would different

    DOF work better in this shot, or what other advice might you give?


    Bryce Canyon


    Would like some advice on whether the B&W works for this shot at

    all. Because of the distance, the shot was a little hazy originally,

    and I felt this cleared it up some. I'd really appreciate any

    advice, thanks!

  1. Tried shooting some stuff in the park, I know the snow is pretty

    blown out, but with the evergreens, hard to get a balance. Trying

    for some action shots, would love any feedback you would have, what

    to do better. I particularly liked the brightness of the goggle

    lenses, thanks!


    To me, the line is actually a little distracting, seems like a weird break in the photo. It leaves the Tower a bit unbalanced as well. That said, if you boosted the saturation of the sunset colors a bit, I think this would be a beautiful shot.
  2. You're right Wilson, it was shot in the entry-way to the Sci-Fi Museum. Quite an interesting collection there. I totally agree with the comments about the hot-spot and darkness spot, I tried to find a different spot to get the same composition without them to no avail with the light available at the time. My battery died shortly after I took these (and our parking time expired) so I didn't have time to try many more angles for the shot. Thanks for the comments and advice everyone!
  3. It's an honor to receive positive comments from someone with a portofolio as great as yours Wilson. I had seen your postings of Cloud Gate recently and really admired them. I love it too, I'm sad that I live far enough now to not have a chance to see it more often (and both of my prior visits have been fairly short). Thank you very much for your comments.


    As is, this is a really great photo, but I think centered, and with a nice sharp focus, it would be absolutely spectacular.

    Columbia Gorge


    Creek that leads to the famous Multnomah Falls in Columbia Gorge.

    Definitely a worthwhile hike up to the top. Any advice you have

    would be much appreciated, thanks!

    Heceta Head


    Played around on the beach for a couple hours, and had a big wave

    splash me (and my camera), but got some shots I like. I would love

    to hear any advice people have, as this is a shot I could go back and

    try again. Thanks!

  4. Taken my last night of sailing this past summer, on Lake Michigan.

    Would like to know what others had to say, I really liked the

    silhouettes formed by the boat and crew. Thank you very much for any

    advice/critiques! ~Zack

  5. Wind breaks to help control drifting snow in WY. Definitely doing

    their job on this day. Again, had to play with the levels a bit to

    get rid of far too much blue hue. Thanks for any advice.

  6. Had just driven through one hell of a snow storm in Wyoming, stopped

    at a rest area to catch my breath and relieve the white-knuckles, and

    captured the backside of the storm. Any advice would be much

    appreciated, I had to play with the levels a bit to get it looking

    somewhat normal, as it came out looking quite blue originally.


    Warm and Cold


    Stopped at a rest area to take some pictures of the mountains in the

    clear morning light, and these guys were waiting too. Any critiques

    as always are extremely helpful and appreciated! Thank you!

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