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Image Comments posted by jtangen

  1. In my area there are very few flat roads so when it snows it can bring

    everything to a standstill which it did with this freak storm that

    brought widespread power outages, many trees down, lots of car wrecks

    etc. This is around the corner from my house. Quite tranquil

    considering the commotion that was going on.

  2. One of the most amazing skies I've seen in Napa Valley.


    I've wanted to photograph this area for a couple years now. There is a

    winery on the left that has been under construction for about 2 years

    cluttering up the area with all that goes with that. Finally they

    finished. The vineyard and sky were perfect........for a moment.

    Fire & Water


    Super shot Jay,

    What I appreciate is this has the WOW factor but still looks like an actual scene I can step into with depth of realism, unlike a lot of post process I see going on these days where things lose the depth and look like a 2D Thomas Kinkade painting.

  3. I shot this same location about 3 weeks ago and the light was changing

    fast so in my haste I inadvertently shot it at f4.5 which without saying,

    necessitated a re-shoot. I had much better light and skies with this one.



    Definition: "Flow" is the mental state of operation in which the person is

    fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized

    focus, full involvement and success in the process of the activity.


    I thought this defined how I feel each time I return to Socrates Falls. I

    keep coming back to get the perfect composition with the perfect flow.

    I'm sure I'll keep trying.

    Evening Star


    Bowling Ball Beach, Northern California Coast.


    My second visit here. First visit was clear skies and way too low tide

    where the "bowling balls" were completely dry, so no photos taken.

    Came here this time hoping for water to be mid-level on the rocks for

    some long exposure stuff. It was mid-level but not when the light was

    good. I got here early and the tide was high and covering the "balls". I

    walked right passed and way down the beach. I headed back and by the

    time I got here the tide was out enough to see them.

  4. Sometimes the scene as a whole is what I see. There may not be a specific subject or focal point but the way the scene comes together as a whole. We've all had shots where we have an interesting subject and perhaps perfect composition but other elements like harsh light and/or cloudless ho-hum sky might be enough to simply walk away from the shot.

    I took several comps from here. Here's a couple:

  5. This is along a creek in the Jackson State Redwood Forest in

    Mendocino County California. I was on my way to the Mendocino coast

    and the light was fantastic as I was going thru the redwoods so I had to

    stop. This was one of the few times when I can say that aside some

    very minor tweaks, this is pretty much straight out of the camera. It's all

    about the light.

  6. I drive thru Napa Valley everyday to work. In the right light (as in the angle of light here), there really are colors like this so I would not be surprised if there was no sat boost applied at all. Very nice shot.
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