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Image Comments posted by mnigro

  1. Generally, I don't like panorama's but this is exceptional. True to the visual grid, it draws the viewer in from the lower left through to the upper right and provides much to think about along the way. I would hang it on my wall anytime. Very well done.


    Ah, has anyone wondered of the possibility of surf rising 100 plus feet upon impact with rocks? I think gravity might have a rule that would preclude such an event. This image is well designed and perfectly toned. It is exceptional but defies reality.
  2. This has alot of punch. It's well composed and it's few elements leave much to think about. But, you need to fix the sections of the water that are blown out. They are distracting and easily fixed so there's no reason to not do it.


    A great image ruined by an oversaturated experiment in tone-mapping, very likely with Photomatrix or a similar program. The colors are not natural or real. The gold color of the netting is blown out. I've never seen a time of day on fresh water or at the seashore that would yield colors like in this image. I'm a true believer in post-processing but the final image needs colors that bear a close resemblance to something of this world. The colors of this image fail in that regard.

    Rainy newsstand

    I think this image is outstanding even if modified by computer. It accurately depicts the fast-paced world where the "news" stands still, if only briefly. Societies cannot function without brief daily injections of news and this image makes the point quite well. I was here in December '04 and back again with more thoughts an this image, however irrevelent.
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