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Image Comments posted by mnigro

  1. I like this because it is beyond the ability of most people to capture it. To see it is spectacular since I got to watch the comet Hale Bop over Tuscon Arizona for six hours while lounging on my parents deck drinking martini's. This image is a once in a lifetime capture that should not be minimalized.

    Gadarya II

    And we think our life is falling apart when we lose our cell phones. Excellent piece of photojournalism depicting life in another place.


    Beautiful but you need to crop 1/3 off the top fot better balance. Try making the image square with ballerina in the middle and equal blank space at top and bottom. You might find it more visually pleasing.


    This looks like a fox suffering because it is caught in a snare. That is a piece of rope above his head that is tethering him to that tree. Not a pleasant sight.


    This artist has many interesting images in portfolio but, to me, this is not one of them. It opposes the visual grid and looks like a bunch of houses burning coal that is choking the environment with toxic fumes. Bad way to put Turkey to the world. Who would want to go there?


    I like this. Compositiom excellent. Exposure perfect. Only thing I can't figure is black half of the image. The subject is beautiful by herself and the black half detracts from it. Dania is Dania. Now, change the caption to "Looking for ...." and you can justify the black half, in my humble opinion.

    Winter Weasel

    Back in 1994 I was bow-hunting for bear in Quebec. I got to watch one of these critters and a mate romp around a moss patch for four hours. The bear never came by but the weasels were enough of a treat for the evening. Great image.


    This is spectacular. Your composition is excellent. Wonderment is the essence of all art and this leaves a lot to wonder about.
  2. What an exciting image!!! The composition is perfect-true to the visual grid. Exposure is excellent-I like that tail splash as a blur in the image. Leaves a lot of wonderment about the image at maximum impact.
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