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Posts posted by pc1

  1. the best thing to do Gene, is to take it to a reputable camera repair technician,have it checked first,and then ask for a quote,i dont think you'll spend more than a hundred for a CLA.


    also, u dont use grease on cameras, i think they use Shark's oil,which lasts 15 yrs or more without gumming up.


    or try to send Rick Oleson,Mike Elek,Mark Hansen, an email,they're the knowledgeable people concerning classic,mechanical cameras,and will be able to help you.thats a really good picture taker when brought back to specs,and will last another lifetime,if used properly. i only have the Contaflex II. really happy with it tho. cheers ! pc

  2. ok folks , here's the story : went back to the camera store ,and found the black Konica Auto S2 sold for US$185. felt so sad ,but while talking to the old man (owner) he told me the truth, that the previous owner had the top plate anodized (black) and that there never was a black S2.


    while looking at the other stock of old leicas , rolleiflexes,zeiss ikontas,etc . i pointed to another black little camera and asked what that was. oh he said this was brought in a week ago to be sold on consignment, lo and behold a Konica Auto S3 (black of course) in immaculate brand new looking state. so i held it, tested,checked.. perfect ! asked how much the guy wanted US$220.so i gave him a hundred bucks as deposit ,and told him i'll be back for it in a week , but the old man told me to take it home and pay him the balance in one week. so here's 2 pix of my new S3. phew ! so now , how do i explain this to the wife ??







    one thing i just noticed now tho, is that the S3 doesnt have an aperture adjustment (no Av) only Tv mode , will try it on sun.my wife's birthday and i'm taking her on a trip. (good excuse too).


    thanks for all your comments and views guys. pc

  3. thanks guys for your opinions and comments. yeah ! i checked it again this afternoon ,at the camera shop,held it,tested it,and it's definitely an S2 Auto Konica, at least that's what it says at the front panel near the viewfinder,and yes its all black.and it's in perfect condition .. oh also the lens hood is removable . so ,i'm first gonna check out the links about the S3 also , and decide tomorrow if i want /need that black auto S2.



    even if i decide not to buy it, i'll see if i can take photos of it with my digital and upload them here.. cheers !...pc

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