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Image Comments posted by margaret_s.

    Dew 11

    This is really great! I would suggest burning in (darkening) the white spot on the upper right hand corner - otherwise this is very original. What is it exactly?


    I remember several different versions of this image. I really like this one a lot. I might prefer just a little less fog around him, but really a small detail. Lovely as always Ilona! Udvozlet!

    Cloud Well Lit

    How did you manage to get light behind the cloud and a black sky?! I'm going to assume it's PS'ed? It's a cool effect but the blurred sky does take away from the overall effect for me. I'm sure it's due to the 8-sec exposure...

    The fountain

    A mon avis, j'aime bien l'original mais je suis d'accord avec Pingu qu'un angle eleve d'une dizaine de cm aurait ete ideal. Comme ca, tu aurais pu laisser cet oiseau dans ton cadre et couper le reste. Vraiment joli reflets tout partout!
  1. Oh yeah, way better now and I think the hair crop on top works too. So much cleaner looking! Hmm... now that I'm looking at it from afar, I'm wondering if I wouldn't prefer the bottle in the foreground to be off-center. Really being nit-picky here - I think this version is by far your best! Nice work Kim.


    Armindo, I agree the shadows are strong.. but this is what it looked like. I actually like it because it makes the image look more dramatic. I suppose it's a question of personal taste but I certainly respect your point of view. That's what's great about art.. everyone sees the same thing differently! :)


    Pete, thank you for your kind comments. I appreciate the detailed critique. I rarely get these and I love it when people do this! I see what you mean about the footprints leading in my direction. (They weren't mine btw, they just happened to be there) I never thought about it that way but I guess you have a point. Next time, I'll try different angles. As for shooting from a lower angle, my only concern with that would be that I would lose the footprints because they weren't that deep in the sand to begin with. Thanks again!


    Tony, actually I preferred the cropped version myself.. lol I thought it had more character. I might re-upload the cropped version afterall, maybe even more tightly cropped since that's the one I really like! Thanks again.

    Armindo, thank you!

    The fountain

    I was just going to suggest cropping as well! I would crop all the way down to where the thing in the center of the table ends and the shadow begins. Like Jim says, definitely stronger impact. I also like the reflections on the pavement in the upper portion! Did you by any chance take any photos of just the pavement? The colors are particularly nice.


    Hi Chris, actually the photograph is practically untouched from the original slide. Aside from darkening the sky (between the trees) and burning in some leaves on the far left, everything else is as is on the slide. I did do some brightness/contrast adjustments to match the scan to the slide. This photo was taken very late afternoon and the sun's rays were cutting through some of the trees casting dramatic shadows on the ground. I thought the effect of the warm light on the autumn leaf-filled ground was particularly dramatic and beautiful with the gravestones and all, so what you see is pretty much what I saw. No photoshopping of the light OR shadows! If you look at the rest of my portfolio, you'll see that I have a special thing for photographing light and shadows.

    I appreciate you leaving a comment and explaining why you rated this photo so low. I hope my explanation above has also shed some light as well (no pun intended). Kindest regards.

  2. Kim, I seem to recall a very similar photo of this a while back if my memory serves me correctly, except the bottles were green and there was a small gap in the middle between the two groups. I like what you're trying to create here but feel there are a couple of things detracting from the end result. I don't care for the white sheet as a backdrop - I know you're probably not working in a studio with all the optimal settings, but the sheet doesn't enhance your display.. what if you were to use gauze instead? That could add some interesting texture perhaps. I would also try to work on the lighting to bring out the shapes of the bottles a little better (but I'm no expert in this matter, so I'm sorry I can't offer any suggestions here!) The bottles on the sides and the bottom portion appear a bit too much in the shade for me.. So how does this pear wine taste? I've never heard of this! Is it good? :)


    Your rating of 1/1 on this photo without a comment is somewhat ambiguous. If you could explain why and offer suggestions as to what can be done to improve it, I'd be in a better position to understand. Thank you.
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