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Image Comments posted by margaret_s.


    This image evokes a wonderful introspective mood. A man resting on the path of life to contemplate - yet there is light, suggesting he hasn't lost his way.. but he's also not completely out of the woods yet :-) Technically, the only nit would be that the textures are overlapping on his body which I don't think works.. even if your intent is to make him appear somewhat ghostly, I would still try to remove the textures from his body. Other than that, I really like what you've communicated with this photo. Good work.

    Mag 11b


    John, one of your better ones imho. I like the various shades of red and purple in her hair... the one hidden eye, one hidden breast. I felt like playing around with your image cropping a wee bit off the top and bottom and extending the white behind her. I like yours, but just felt like trying something different, hope you don't mind! :-)

  1. Thank you Kim!

    Linda, I think we both know that wherever Light goes, it obliterates all darkness.. ;-)

    Ken...did your arms fall off? LOL I'm sure you can fix yourself something.. and if not, there's always takeout ;-)

    As for the rain/snow.. I'm going to leave this one just the way it is. I like it this way. Two versions I think is enough.. this one was fun to work on but it's time to move on to something new! Thanks again to everyone :)

  2. Superbe image Stephane et merci aussi pour tes commentaires sur ma photo. J'aime beaucoup celle-ci. Ci ce n'etait pas pour la goutte d'eau dans le "ciel" et les quelques rides sur le toit, on aurait presque pense une image ordinaire.. mais a mon avis, les gouttes contribuent a la magie de cette image. Bien joue. Felicitations!

    Parador in B&W

    Thank you Rita & Ken! You know, the more I look at these, the more I like the latest cropped version. It's really growing on me.. see what happens when others start giving you creative ideas?! Gotta love it. Thank you Jacques, thank you Ken for getting me out of my "box" and finding a new angle on this photo. I'm glad I did :-)

    Old World

    Diego, thank you for your comment and observation. You make an excellent point that when you are used to seeing something everyday, it's no longer special or different because you take it for granted. For someone not living in Europe, this could be a "wow" image because of the texture of the stones, the quaintness, etc...(we don't see this here in North America!) and for you, a photograph of New York City may bring the same reaction to the tall building whereas for us, it's no big deal. As photographers, I guess our challenge is trying to see something and appreciating it just for what it is and not putting it into context or comparing it to something else. Thank you again for stopping by!
  3. Lou Ann, actually Linda's suggestion was something I had contemplated but not executed.. so the change is in a sense more of an artistic adventure for me vs trying to get something perfect in this case. As for the colors, are you referring to the color of the trees? If so, the surreal colors are deliberate to create a fairy-tale feel and I do like them :) Thanks again for your comment.

    Mystic Rain

    Ken, I'm NOT turning this into a square crop! LOL

    Linda, I've decided thanks to your suggestion and others to go back to the drawing board and redo this photo (without the rain and with the faeries ;-)

    Roberto, grazie tanto! Ho cambiato l'immagine, c'e adesso un altra versione!


    Terrific. I would've cropped more aggressively on the left, and put a bit more space ahead of him, so we get more of a sense of where he's going. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest. Nice work!


    Marlene, that tree is something else. Never seen anything like it. The colors in the sky are gorgeous.. only reservation is that they appear a little mooshed together from the PS..? I can't decide if I like it.. but that's a personal taste thing.. Nice work.


    I like the ledge too.. the photo does seem a little oversaturated however. It's particularly noticeable looking at his arms. Still, I especially like the essence of what you've captured here - the feeling that he's giving us. "I'm tired of this life. When will this end?"

    The door

    J'adore la perspective que cree la lumiere - superbe. J'aimerais bien savoir aussi si c'est un montage, c'est-a-dire si la scene en dehors de la porte est vraie ou rajoutee? Bienvenue!
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