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Image Comments posted by margaret_s.

    Parador in B&W

    Wow, Jacques... c'est interessant ton affaire! Et puis bien sur que je ne me fache pas, voyons! :-) OK, will write in english so everybody understands. You make a good point about the minimalism. Indeed, that is precisely what I like about this photo. I suppose there are different ways to look at it. Ken, the only thing I would change about your version is to crop a bit more tightly so that the railings on the left aren't left "hanging" - seems too unfinished. Jacques, I do like your crop although the image is rendered more into an abstract that way - although it does work! How about this as a compromise? (See attached version) Boy, I never thought this image would create such debate - I like this! :-)

    Sam, sounds like you would've wanted more contrast. I kind of like it this way - but it's a matter of taste ultimately.

    P.S. Jacques, j'attends avec patience la photo du chien ;-) Tu es si gentil de ne pas m'avoir oublie!

  1. Such a nice reflection Guido! Well done!! I would perhaps crop a little more off the top (just enough to not see the buildings in each corner) to put more emphasis on the reflections and simplify the number of things the eye can look at.

    Parador in B&W

    Tony, thank you! Martin, I'll experiment with that idea.. thanks :) Richard, yes... I mentioned in the technical details that the stripes were due to jpg compression. Can't get around it unless I drastically reduce the size of the image.

    Parador in B&W

    You were right.. it's by far the cleanest version of them all - what I like is how it emphasizes the architecture and so the eye is not detracted to looking at other stuff. Thank you again.. really!

    Autumn Lady 3

    This is my favorite of the 3. I especially like the gold hands and the way you've set up the lighting to highlight them. This works. The only part that prevents this from being perfect to my eyes is the section of leaves between her hands. The combination of blur, lighting and many leaves is a bit busy to me. That's really the only nit and I realize it's a personal preference. The image almost has a Christmas feel to it for me perhaps because of the gold. Planning on any angel shots for Christmas? ;-)
  2. Belles lumieres de Noel! La seule chose qui m'embete un peu c'est le drapeau rouge a droite.. As-tu essaye de prendre celle-ci avec la couronne en plein milieu? Simplement par curiosite..
  3. UNbelievable!!! This is absolutely brilliant and extremely well done. I'm really impressed with your attention to detail!! My only question would be why choose apples/oranges in the fruit bowl instead of bananas? Just curious.. The abacus is a nice touch...lol

    This is a 7/7 without question! Congratulations.

    Purple Bottle

    Oh, this one I like too.. colors are great. I want to keep moving the bottle slightly to the right however so that the shadow delineation on the wall falls smack in the center down the bottle and close the gap a little between the bottle and its shadow. Personal taste I guess..
  4. Lovely bright colors and I like the overall composition except for the bottom portion which seems a little busy to my eye (especially all those cars) so I took the liberty of offering a slightly different cropped alternative. Hope you don't mind! Let me know what you think?

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