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Image Comments posted by dominiquedodge

  1. I like what you are showing here. It's intriguing and different - the sort of small detail I find myself shooting too.


    I'll be back to look and comment on some or your other work, when time allows.

    Up and Down


    Thanks for the laugh. Yes, a perfect candidate for the assignment.


    I like the grainy effect of the original but I think it might be a bit too strong in parts (the green tail and the glass might look nice a bit less grainy). Original and very fun.


    Here's a darker version of the last upload - just to show how it looks, but I prefer the original.


    PS For your back(s) I can recommend an adjustable stool - this hobby is addictive so think ahead and look after yourself!

  2. The darkened center is a very good idea, but I would like the whole photo darker, perhaps leading to very dark in the heart, making it more tunnel-like(funnel?). At the very core you could have a mysterious person running away ... that's the feeling I'm getting.



    Although here we see much more of the building, for me the sense of height is lessened by the bottom section which is of a different style. It would be nice to include the lift (?) and since i'm in a diagonal mood ...




    Nice clean lines leading us up up and away. Very good theme fit.


    I like the way the floors merge together at the top so we can guess that there are too many to count.



    here's a quick idea of what I had in mind (sorry if the cloning is rather sloppy)


    Although i like the straight composition, I find the tilted version seems more sporty.




    Version 2 is very pleasing. I really like the optical illusion created by the round object on the ceiling. They red adds a good touch of colour.


    I'd like to try a rotate and crop (to give a totally different composition) to get the round object into a corner, but I have been having internet connection problems so I'll post this quickly before getting cut off ...

  3. I think these are the molds on which latex gloves are made. The hand is dipped into the latex and then pulled out.


    A very original subject. I like the way the hands in the centre are holding each other.


    PS I presume you bought the whole batch for photo props!

  4. Sorry I dont stop to visit your portfolio more often. As you say, just a matter of time - wish there was more of it.


    This photo is really nicely done. Colour, comp, lighting, focus all work together to bring out the best of this flower. I like the diagonality of it all, with the leaf pointing as well.



    You did the right thing PT to give the wonderful colours of the sky such a large surface in the frame. The rest is just a bit of context, but very important too. This one would score very high on my aesthetics scale.


    Trying desperately to be a bit more critical, all I can think of is to suggest that the moon would be better dead in the centre IMO. I really like the way it's on the same vertical as the lone tree, but it's a fraction on the right of the centre line.


    Moon and tree are like the brackets holding the image together. If either one were not there it would be not nearly so good.


    However many nights you had to camp out - for this shot it was worth it!

    Super theme fit too.



    While I find this is nicely done (terrific sky and reflections), I'm a bit puzzled by the turbulence - for the "river" seems to be totally static in the background so I'm spending all my time wondering how the turbulence came to be.

    It doesn't quite all fit together (hydrodynamically) although it does visually. The turbulence conveniently fills an otherwise-too-empty foreground.


    I'll return to comment some more after thinking things out.



    Joining the discussion a bit late here, I will cast my vote strongly in favour of the version peresnted at the top by Mandar (crop square). In the original the window pulls the eyes to the left, that is away from the cross in a horizontal (or at least diagonal) way. You want the eyes to travel along the angle of the building and then up IMO.


    The selective blur doesn't work very well for me either (perhaps it's just too strongly applied?).


    Ideally I think one or two steps to the right would be a good place to be to get a nice angled view up to the dome and cross, using square or portrait format, with a bit more sky.


    I like the round window and the way the shadow falls on it at HIGH noon ... (?).



    Sorry PT that I didn't read the technical details. It's incredible that in a fraction of a second you get the impression of four distinct camera positions within the blur. I had not thought about that before (a blur possibly being other than a smooth movement from A to B) - so thanks for that PT. Something for all of us to think about (and perhaps use) in other shots.


    Don't hold back on uploading more shots.



    Transit Night

    I find it hard to say why I like this one so much, but I do. The colours, the textures, the subjects all seem to fall into place - for me the moon is reflecting into the blue puddle, but others will no doubt perceive it differently, each in their own way. Folds of silk or ripples in the sky ...


    I'll be brutally honnest: this one doesn't really work for me, the reason being that I don't find the slow shutter has enhanced what you would have got otherwise, although I agree with CTR that the umbrellas are forming interesting patterns. Maybe it needs to be more blurred ? Sorry I can't be more helpful (I will try something in PS though) - so maybe back to comment more.


    Great colours, sharpness (and softness), and a very well choosen background that complements the rest. The only thing I'm not sure about is the sleeve leading off the bottom - but I know nothing about this sort of photography so I'm not really in a position to critique.


    Nice light, colours composition. There's a very tranquil atmosphere in this photo. I would consider cropping a bit off the right edge (to near the rightmost umbrella pole) - I think that would keep the focus in the foreground more. Great sharpness, nice mood.


    I like the way the pink streaks are positionned inside the pipes and the overall colours of this shot. I might consider cropping and maybe a bit of tilt, to make the whole more abstract, more geometric.



    I really like the angle and composition of this one. For me it's certainly high enough for the theme - it's all relative after all.


    I particularly like the tilt which allows the edge of the room to frame the cat's head. The face is a bit overexposed but that doesn't seem to matter much, for some reason.


    I'd just darken the patterns on the dark left edge.

    Fun, spontaneous (even if not).

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