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Image Comments posted by dominiquedodge

  1. Overall a nice pleasing effect with the slight overexposure and resulting pastel colours. For me it still retains its floral look, so not fully abstract (no problem with that). I feel like cropping a bit off the bottom to decrease the impact of the bright zone (keeping about half of it?)...

    Reedy Grass

    I like the colours as shown, and the blue part of the background suggesting distant hills, but not the bright triangle of sky in the top roght corner. Perhaps that could be sorted out with some Photoshop cloning?



    Very nice interpretation of the theme PT.


    At first glance I prefered the original to PD's square crop, then on looking longer I couldn't make up my mind. In the end, I think for the theme's sake the original version is stronger, but without the theme (to worry about) my preference goes to the square crop.


    Either way it's a strong image in which I feel an inkling of tension: this person is about to step over a limit - the end of an easy walk (as shown by the sign). The chalk line curving away is good too - perhaps suggesting another route?

    W i l l o w


    I felt it looked a bit dark so I brightened it up (curves, colours and oversharpening to add a bit of sparkle). Now I find that the tree is more of a central subject in the composition.


    W i l l o w

    A nice take on the theme PT. The subject lends itself to this sort of treatment and this is well executed. At first I find it a bit dark and cold, but I guess that's the way PT wanted it. The horizontal lines in the white background help the foliage to stand out, but I'm curious as to what that is. A very painterly feel. Serene evening on a french canal bank?



    I would agree that this doesn't quite make the theme, although technically speaking slow shutter. I don't feel we have to show mouvement in this assignment but if not, then at least a low light mood. Having said that, each interprets in their own way (no rules).


    Anyway this is a pleasing shot for the symmetry of the cats - why not darken it to see if anything interesting crops up? I like the way I see two big eyes, sort of like cat-dark-glasses!

  2. I like the idea of the door and other clutter forming a sort of frame for the ladder. But it would be better without the two (three?) blurry things bottom edge - surely they don't add to the scene. The black pipe at the top could have been avoided by a slightly higher camera position and the whole shot lacks sharpness. The orange wall and orange glow on the wood is good.
  3. The composition works well as it is IMO.


    Having said that, as I look at it I wonder what you'd get moving the camera slightly to the right and centering the two blue zones. Hard to say without being there.


    Nice crisp details and colours.



    I love the shot Mandar - you should have placed it in the PT Open Critique - sorry I'm only commenting now.


    I like the fact that you have made a lot with such a simple colour scheme. the lone drop of water near the centre makes the composition. Smooth water in the glass, rippled water in the sea ... great choice of glass to use for this.


    I'm jealous of ISO1600 ... nothing above 400 is worth showing from my camera!



    While I was so busy (and still am) trying to work out what this is, I forgot to mention that I would prefer without the parts without lights in the bottom corners. I played around with crop and distort to get rid of them, without sacrificing the nice greener lights at the bottom. What do you think?




    The subject lit like it is, with the sky light in the back ground, forces the viewer to think about the setting and I think that is a good thing. One thing that might have been possible would be to use the sky light as a frame for the plants.


    I like the bluer sky and darker roof underside in Seven's version but the green of the original upload. You can really get the feel of plants on a hot bright summer's day. Portrait format taken from as low down as possible might also be an option here.


    Initial reaction: interesting - looks like rows and rows of eggs in their cups ... the vertical and horizontal supports make the whole thing look like a multiple mirror image, at least on the thumbnail. Back later to comment more.
  4. I like the fact that the dark zone in the foreground sand runs obliquely where as the other two transitions (sand to sea, sea to sky) run horizontally across the frame. The whitish streak in the trunk near the top also runs obliquely linking it to the lower part of the photo.


    I'm curious to know what the natural lighting conditions were to enable you to capture such nice details on the trunk.



    River Rocks


    Of all the photos in your (excellent) portfolio this is my favourite. Maybe because I'm fond of rocks and therefore biased, but probably because of the super composition and the simplicity of it all.


    Thanks for showing.


    PS I'd be very pleased if you could pick your favourite and least favourite from my portfolio ...



    May I cast my vote strongly in favour of the second version ie portrait format. I find that having the tops of the bottles green at the top of the image is very nice. I also like the way the orange-brown vetical streaks look like brush strokes. I didn't notice that in the original version.


    PS Beware, alcohol can affect your spelling too!



    I think you have a very good "find" here and I love the idea of showing the flowing water from this unusual perspective. The frothy part at the bottom is good too, but for me the composition is not entirely comfortable. The dark zone is bothersome to a certain extent but might be hard to eliminate so I suggest a slight crop and rotation to make the whole more geometric. I'm still not 100% satisfied with the composition but it's something to think about.


    Other options would be to make the dark zone a triangle pointing up to the rest of the image.


    Deliciously clear.

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