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Posts posted by btipton

  1. I've also had the problem, very frustrating!! One solution I've found is instead of just agitating for 10 seconds a minute from the start, I now do a slow steady agitation for the first minute then normal agitation 10 seconds a minute after that. Once I began doing this the problem has virtually gone away. It seems the first minute of development is very important, especially if a presoak isn't used, and constant developer movement won't allow the "bubbles" to form. I've never had the problem with 35mm.

    Good Luck!



  2. I'm not sure about all this digital is causing an end to chemical photography stuff, but I am glad to see Kodak pushing the "Classic look of black and white" in the "Seabiscuit" commercials. Hopefully it's a sign of things to come; now if only people will pay attention!



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