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tom t

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Image Comments posted by tom t

    Yellow & Blu


    The colors are beautiful, but compositionally your shot could be better. Some tips below.


    A) Do not center your subject; offcentering will give your composition more punch. Use the rule of thirds (look it up on google if you don't know it).


    B) Beware of clutter in your image, as well as broken object or objects sliced by the image borders. Examples are the yellow highlights on the left edge, and the half-flower right below the main flower. Also beware of merging objects, like the flower without leaved that sort of sticks into the mai flower.


    C) related to B) - use DOF to isolate your subject, and to make sure that background clutter is thorougly blurred.


    In the above shot you could easily have avoided the problems mentioned by moving the camera and/or by playing with DOF. You used an f1.4 lens but seeing from your shot you didn't exactly have it wide open :)


    Just some suggestions of course - hope it's useful. Success & Regards,



    Digital flower


    Well done, but if you want it more realistic.... the depth of the image is not such that the ripples become *that* narrow further back. The ripple effect in front looks really good, but the HF ripples nearer to the stem are overdone.


    Still, pretty good technique!







    Urgh... the ratings.... Check the Site Feedback page - it's pretty bad these days ...



    Anyhow - why my average is about 4 - I do rate a lot of sub-standard shots, and I always leave a comment why the rate is low. I do not believe that ignoring bad shots actually helps ppl, so, yes, I rate quite a few 2/2s and then explain why.



  1. Great catch! Well exposed (difficult I guess with the harsh sunlight). Good composition too.


    I would have preferred either more DOF, or a lot less. Right now your visual echo (well seen btw) is sort of sharp, but not tack sharp.


    Apart from that, no suggestions for improvement,



    Santorini Wall


    Constructive comments would be appreciated on this one. This is a

    play of walls on the Greek island Santorini. Does the line at the top

    bother you, or do you like it inthere?


    Thanks for your time,



  2. Attempt worked! I really like this one. he only suggestion for improvement would be to crop some of the black space at teh edges; also try and off-center the window some more. But make sure to keep the slant.


    Just a suggestion of course,





    Sharp Shadows


    Interesting shapes (look like human nipples to me) and well seen.


    But your execution could be improved, compositionally.


    Try to avoid having little parts of objects in the shot (like you have at the bottom, close to the left edge).


    Also, play with the camera ant try not to have too many shadow-only bits inthere like you now have at the top; and avoid having shadows that merge with another nipple.


    In all, simplify your composition and avoid visual clutter. Get closer!


    Just some tips; feel free to disagree,



  3. Well... here is not much color in the shot, is there? You could try and up saturation in Photoshop, perhaps? When you'r eat it, up contrast too. This really looks like a scan of an old photograph to me.


    Compositionally, the leaves to the right are disturbing, and it also looks like there was something else in the way (top/right). I would crop that out, or clone it out in photoshop.


    I do like the waterdrops hanging off the leaves!


    Just some ideas of course,





    Me too I am bothered by the dirt in the shot here. Apart from that I like it, though I find the reflection on the knife a bit dark - gives for a gloomy, rather than a delicate feeling.


    Agree with the others that the off-centered composiyion works. I don't agree with the comment abou the water drops - to me those are clutter.


    Dominique, if the white backdrop is human flesh (great idea) then I would expect to see some texture.


    In all, reasonable theme fit, and interesting image.



    Bonzai Cut


    Pity we do not see the man's face.


    Also, you need to crop more carefully: the blue stuff at the bottom next to the man, and the littel white line where the white edge touches the lefthand frame are distracting. Ditto for the piece of black stuff coming out of the man's back.


    Compositionally, there is too much emtpy stuff that does not convey anything. Consider having the man on the other site of the bonsai, facing the camera, have as little of the white stone in the background and go fo a portrait format to fix that.


    And finally, your frame is, erm... ugly (sorry). Drop the green frame - you don't need it, really.


    Sorry - it's a long list, but you asked, no? And feel free to disagree - no offense intended.





    The light on the leaves is very pretty indeed. I do find the bottom part (the grass) rather boring. Why no crop out the bottom and go for a square format?







    Theme fit is not clear to me. Unless this is about the strange affliction some men have with fishing (I'm obviously not one of them).


    I like the idea here, but I think the branches at the bottom, as well as the big vertical one are too distracting here.





  4. Very delicate indeed. Congratulations, PT (assuming it's yours).


    Compositionally I am thinking along the lines Pascal is exploring. And I am missing some texture on the skin of the little toes (big toe is OK) - did you use NoiseNinja or something similar, that might have eaten some of the texture?


    Apart from that, great theme fit and lovely image.







    This is straight from the camera, Dominique, apart from the square crop. Me too I was thinking about PT 7 assignment way back :(


    You're right about the obliques; I was so proud of the find that I didn't want to dodge it. Perhaps I should :)





    Very well done. Great tones indeed, and I like the weird aspect ratio. Congratulations; I have no comments or suggestions for improvement.





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