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tom t

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Image Comments posted by tom t



    Tastefull it is not; used it is! Technically shot seems OK but I find the aspect ratio a bit weird.


    Compositionally I wonder why the foot is there.





  1. Hmm.. good idea but execution could be better.


    One way to go would be Dominique's. Another would be to use the existing element to improve composition. I would like to see e.g. the cobwebs sharp, the nice leading line of that curved thing fill more of the frame, perhaps use the perspective lines in the grid at the bottom, and get some more contast in the main elements (cobwebs/ ashes / grid or bent thingy (what is it BTW?)).


    Just some ideas of course, feel free to disagree,




    Good idea, PT

  2. First I read as a title "Knicked and twisted" - now that would have been a giveaway :)


    I like this one. Theme fit OK, glad PT did not do this in duotone or sepia. My only comment would be that I could like to see the corner/edge of the label (bottom) either touch the border, or some space; composition now looks just a tad "cut-off".


    Nice one, PT!





    With Andre and the others. Good theme fit and estically OK! Wood does not bother me too much but getting rid of it would improve the shot. And the frame needs to go too :)


    Well done&seen PT, and great to see a nice & colorful shot in the folder.



  3. Great idea, but I think execution could be improved. Right now, at first, it looks like you had a focus error. Also, the highlighted sky is too similar to the bride. Perhaps move the camera up (get less sky) and use a higher f-stop?





  4. Very well done. Nice and sharp.


    Me too I would suggest a crop to the right, so you have streaks of light shooting into the center of the shot there (like you have on the left hand side).







    This is a GREAT interpretation, and well executed! Love it!


    Personally I would crop left (3 distracting highlights) and crop some top too, to give it a 2:3 aspect ratio.


    My 2cts of course,



  5. Hmm... used, yes, I suppose. I like the play of colors (blue, red) and lines here! I can see a nice abstract here, but this version/location is just screaming for further experiments.


    My 2cts of course,





    I like this one! Me too without the title I would have thought it was a bottle. Theme fit OK, obviously.


    I like the textures here. And the circular hole with sort of reflects in the circular-like pattern in the hammer where the paint peels off.


    Compositionally I am happy, though I like Dominique's suggestions also.

    Well done, PT!





    This one made me laugh (good thing!). Theme fit OK.


    Visually I am a tad bothered by the dark shadows on top. I am thinking PT upped the saturation here (colors on the toothbrush?) and contrast (white on the tube seems a bit blown out). Crop is perhaps a bit too tight at the bottom (brush).


    Compositionally I like the leading line (spiral, really) of the tube. But the colors on the brush draw my eye as well, so the image feels a bit restless to me.


    I'm wondering whether a version without the brush, and with less contrast/saturation might work better here?







    What Jo묬e said: good theme fit and well done. Compositionally I would prefer the cup a little more of-center, perhaps crop a tad right and top?


    I really like this one!



  6. Very used and very recycled; good catch.


    Photographically the shot is extremely busy, but I guess the whole concoction just *is* very busy. Other than moving more upfront and avoiding some of the tangle of the branches I have no real suggestions for improvement. I'm guessing the choice of B/W is a good one as in color this would probably look even more busy?





  7. Certainly good theme fit, and I like expression and tones in this one. Flaws are sharpness, certainly on left eye, and crop left, which is a bit too tight for me. With respect to Calin's remark on details - this looks like a tiny crop out of a much larger image - I think what we are seeing here is sensor noise and compression artifacts.


    But I really like the expression in this shot.


    Hope the comments are helpful,



  8. Hmmm... the idea of PT is to shoot for the assignment, not use previously shot photos. I have not seen this before, so I can't judge whether it was shot for the assignment.


    On to the shot. Cerainly used, but as mentioned before the crop is weirs. For me there are too many cut off things (cabinet, wheels, pot, basket). Also the white triangle of the wall (right) draws too much attention. Also a bit too busy perhaps.


    Outside of this assignment this shot would not catch my eye, Im afraid.' Sorry PT :) Hope the commetns are usefule, though, and feel free to disagree,



  9. Greast find and good theme fit. I find it a bit ironic that the recycled tires have more profile on 'em than the tire on the wheel.


    Esthetically I like the colors here, with the tad of orange intehre to spice things up a bit. Compositionally I find this not so strong, but I'll admit I have no immediate suggestions for improvement.


    A close-up study of the recycled tires might be intersting (and compositionally easier) but then then of course you loose the wheel, and I think the overall effect/impact might be lessened.





  10. Good theme fit and interesting shot to boot. Well seen and executed.


    1 little gripe - crop a couple of pixels to the left to avoid the trace of the letter left to "WORLD".







    I found this thru the link on the notice board.


    On to the shot: indeed great opener! Theme fit obviously more than OK. I like the choice of B/W here. Something duotone would have worked as well (sepia anyone?). And I shaer Dominique's comments - I like her version better.


    Well seen PT!



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