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Dave Luttmann

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Everything posted by Dave Luttmann

  1. Are you finding slightly contrasty scenes OK rated at box, or are you rating -1/3?
  2. We went through this when JCH released Streetpan. It isn't from an old roll. Your search came up wrong. It was a new run of an old Agfa film...not from an old roll. You appear to not know what is going on here.
  3. The ascertain is that there are no companies willing to do small runs of films. That is untrue.
  4. Agreed. To me the tonality is the most important. I like large grain for some of my work but with specific contrast and tonality.
  5. This is the same idea as JCH 400 Streetpan. It isn't respooled. It was a new coating in small batch run of an old formula surveillance film from Agfa. This is becoming quite common...so I too am surprised that some people claim companies are lying about this...especially CatLabs as they are well respected in the film community. I guess some people prefer conspiracy theories over actual knowledge
  6. Man I miss 2475. I think I still have a couple rolls in the fridge with probably huge base fog...bought the film aroun 1985
  7. Pan F does indeed have poor latency. I can see a density difference between same day and 2 weeks. That said, depending on needs, if I am porcessi in a few days, it is fine.
  8. Yes, it was the same with the JCH film a while back. Now I can get it everywhere it seems. That is a nice film as well by the way. I use the Rollei 80s once in a while and will be adble to tell if the emulsion characteristics are the same.
  9. Began our hiking trip and had some cell signal. Photographed with LR on the XR. It's a cool day to hike the trails!
  10. Ilford PanF 50 is fairly contrasty, but with ultrafine fine grain...less than even Delta 100. That may get you to the speed ypu lie, especially at 25iso in Perceptal.
  11. I've seen beautiful 24x36 prints from the XT3 that give up nothing to so called fullframe bodies in the same MP range. One thing I do notice is that it is less prone to moire because of XTrans....and even like my X-Pro1, the higher iso noise is more pleasing to the eye when I've asked people to compare. XTrans does a good job.
  12. Development times for Rollei Retro 80s are a bit different than for the CatLabs film. I've got some on order and will report back. There are coating facilities open for companies to use...so it could be a small run batch.
  13. Been having a lot of fun trying to do more landscape work with just the iPhone. I'll be heading on a hike into the wilderness just prior to the odometer flipping onto my 50th birthday next month. I'm amazed what modern phones can achieve. Shot with Lightroom in HDR, processed in b&w with a bit of grain adde in VSCO
  14. Very typical result. Underexposure on the face resulting in increased grain...especially after the lab machine attempts to slightly compensate. Than, the final touch is when the lab has sharpening set agressively which makes it all even worse.
  15. I'll echo John's comment on water. I was there one year in late November. Daytime high was around 73. I could not believe how much the dry desert air pulls water out of you with every breath. I carried 3 one gallon jugs of water in my vehicle at all times just in case.
  16. I'll echo the above, and include Badwater. Also, if you have a chance to get to Lone Pine for sunrise, it is beautiful as well The Dunes Mobius Arch Lone Pine Painted Desert Death Valley Badwater Death Valley Painted Desert Death Valley Mobius Arch Lone Pine Badwater Death Valley
  17. Kodacolor II was a standard grain film. Gold was T Grain and was finer than the Kodacolor series. While some didn't like the punchier colors, the grain was finer.
  18. I used Lightroom, Photoshop, the Tin Type app, along with Silver Efex 2, Analog Efex
  19. I've often used 110 film for a Low Fidelity Landscape project. Lately though, I've been playing around with my Iphone Xr and trying to process for the same effect. A recent example.
  20. I like David Ingraham for street photography. I've been using my iPhone Xr more and more for street work at night. More stealth than my Fuji gear
  21. Film that old, and those conditions....rate it 4 stops over box and just have it developed. That said...use it for something that could be complimented by the look you will probably achieve. I use a fair bit of expired 110 film in a Baby Diana for a Low-Fi Landscape project. I dont expect it to look like new film...nor do I wish it to.
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