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Image Comments posted by fred_kamphues

  1. I don't think this shot works in B/W, and I doubt it would do so in colour. Seems to me a normal image with the contrast turned up in Photoshop.

    Bad vignetting too.

    I would prefer to see the scene in its original form, or as silhouette, but with a real sunset situation.



    Keep your images small, and upload on quiet times.

    This size is fine, but the rest of your pictures are way to big for a normal browser. 600 pixels on the longest side is a good rule of thumb.


    This shot has a nice composition and action feel, but is a little out of focus.

  2. This tank in the Aquarium of Western Australia was full of blue

    illuminated floating jelly fish. The slow movement allowed me to take

    a few shots on a tripod with 1 second exposure time. I managed to get

    this one without motion blur.

    I could imagine that life on other planets could look like this...

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