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Image Comments posted by arnabdas

    Soft look


    Perfect lighting, composition.


    I like the sepia tint very much. Perhaps the background cloth could be a bit straightened out or was it deliberate?


    A very good one


    Pine Shine!


    The Pine cone is the dominant form/pattern here. The withered leaf kind of "gets in the way" when the viewer is drawn to the interesting pattern of the pine cone.


    Also -- both ends of the leaf are out of focus and I presume it was deliberate (given the shallow DOF) but I somehow find it a bit distracting if foreground objects are out-of-focus.



  1. There is overall haze in this photograph and I think it is the scanner's doing --


    To remove haze and gain back contrast, try any/both of the following --


    1. Use the Curves tool and make the RGB curve a very faint "S", adjust other curves as needed.


    2. Use the UNsharp Mask filter with ultra-low amount (15-20) and ultra high radius (30-40) and 0 threshhold for haze removal.


    And it looks like the one posted.Crudely done but you get the picture ...

  2. Too much space in the foreground. If you wanted to avoid that from the same shooting spot you would get too much space in the sky -- which isn't good either.


    The only way to make it better is to walk down all the way until you close down on the cattle. Sure, you'd get less numbers of them the phot would have better impact overall.

  3. Sorry but this looks like the average casual shot.


    Lots of distractions surround the subject,


    composition could have been a lot better -- a vertical shot would have been been better.


    Strong backlighting puts subject in shadow.


    Very annoying distractions in the foreground.

  4. Nice photograph. A couple points though:


    I'd suggest leaving a little more space on the top and adding a very subtle fill-flash to open up shadow areas on the subject.


    The sidelighting is dramatic but I don't like how the shadow is being cut off at the left. If I've seen so much of the shadow, the natural instinct is to see the whole of it.




    Interesting angle, Looks like it would benefit from some fill-flash. Highlights look burnt out. Background is distracting. Also seems to have a blue cast?
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