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Image Comments posted by tc_reed



    No matter how many times I see this photo, I am still not pleased with the moment being captured of the scared little person who so disrespectivley took out his feelings on a symbol of a great nation full of even greater people. I love our freedom of expression but feel like these moments are when we choose the worst ways of communicating our feelings to the world.


    You captured it well. It was very much a moment when so many had so much to say.


    Still same feeling as the color photo, but for some reason, this b&w version works better for me. Even the harshness of the steel to my left is forgiven in my mind for some reason.
  1. You've captured our southeastern coastal sunset well! I love the late evening sunset shots. The details most cameras are able to pickup is much more intense sometimes than what our own eyes are able to detect. I'm amazed at some of my own sunset shots at times such as this.


    The clouds in this sky are softly painted across the frame. This is so lovely.


    I like the overall photo but wish the bridge were more centered in the frame. The balance in such a shot as this is key in the overall symmetrical presentation. Well done!



    Way cool! This is great and even more great that you were able to find a double ringer in the use of a reflection. I also like that one of our mossy tree branches is being used as a prop by both the spider and the photographer.


    Excellent lighting and detail!

    Morning fog

    Very nice view of our beautiful state. This needs to be on a card. I'd crop out the trees on the bottom if it were mine. They have too much green taking away from the muted blues, pinks, gray tones of the overall photo.



    Wow! Did you take this or did I? :-)


    Very nicely done and I love that you were able to find a moment without people stepping into the frame. Nice fall colors coming through for you as well.


    I like much!

    Cigno in ombra

    I like your idea for this as well. I think the lighting is not good for what your trying to do and the table top or counter is not working to your subjects advantage in allowing the detail of the cuts in the crystal to come through for you. The shadow is great. Can you make another attempt with a better background/bottom and some better balanced lighting to work with?

    Bloody biker


    Oh my! This captures a downtown moment well. Your settings were well set for this moment. Very vivid detail and great background movement for allowing the subject to stand out clear as if time stopped as he darted in and out of the moment.


    Well done!

    Life is good

    They appear to be going to a festival. A broader view may allow for more emotion to come through. As it is, there are only two really happy looking faces in this small crowd and one is barely visible. I like the idea going into this photo but I feel it is in need of more faces exposed to camera lens. :-)
  2. Agree with being sure not to cut off limbs and if you're going for a detailed setting or a background which will flatter the people you're photographing, I would use a different filter so you don't have the burned out effect. For me, I would have chosen color or adjusted my settings better for b&w. However, this appears to have a slight pinkish tint to it which suggests it has already been adjusted somewhat.

    Lovely bride and brides maid, though.

  3. I've walked in that guys flip flops a time or two. I think you've dont' a fine job of capturing the sunny direction he is trying to get to quickly as opposed riding out the blackness coming quickly from behind.

    Good color and decent overall crop. I might suggest taking a little more off the bottom since a reflection is not what we're looking for in this photo. I feel like the background could have been a little more in focus but understand the quickness with which you were probably shooting.


    Good job over all!

    Multnomah Falls


    Totally nailed this! It's a shame the railing is in the way. That's the only reason I don't do a full fall shot. I guess it can always be cloned out.


    Great job!

  4. I love this piece! Simplicity and yet unique in idea. Using the water to your advantage really shows great use of the ol'noggin! The only real issues I see right off are the burned out area on the top of the hand and the dirtiness of the bottom of the hand and fingers. Angle of approach will fix the one and taking time to soap up will fix the other. :-) Oh, and allow more of reflection to show in the water. Unless you don't like that idea. Just a thought.


    Great work!

    Trestles and Rock


    Geeze Robert! Why don't you just post your photo's to the opening page or something. That'll get everyone's attention. <:P


    I love balance and symmetry in a photo. You've achieved both.


    I love the tranquil mood you've created and the easy smooth tones overall. Sounds kinda jazzy when I read it back.


    Very nice work and I think you walked away at a good time.


    It is........COMPLETE.


    I was feeling like you captured more of a moment between girl and nature in the city. She appears to be very peaceful in this shot. :-)
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