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Posts posted by lyle_gordon

  1. I assume you mean printing them as black and white images, this will work (producing an inverted print) if the slide has no red in it as the paper is not sensative to that part of the spectrum. To produce a non-inverted print you will have to reversal process you paper, this is possible but I have not done it nor do I know how, sorry, someone will probably post shortly or you could try searching google and photo.net if you haven't already as I think I have a read a thread at one point regarding this topic.
  2. You can use any company's chemicals on any companies films although some chemicals work better with specific films but thats a whole other story.


    For example I use


    Ilford FP4+ and HP5+ with Kodak HC110 developer, homemade citric acid stop bath and ilford rapid fix.


    For Paper I use Ilford Multrigrade RC and Cooltone RC with Agfa Neutol Plus with the same stop and fix that I use with film.

  3. I processed a roll of Verichrome Pan that expired in 65 that I found with my parents stuff. It wasent refridgerated. It was 127 so I shot it in my VPK and the results were slightly flat but otherwise quite good for a 90 year old camera and some 40 year old film. But to answer the question if the film is HP2 then it isnt C-41 process if its XP2 then just take it to which ever C41 lab you like to use and have them process it.
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