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Image Comments posted by bens


    this is very cute to me, an admitted father of a teenager. i imagine she is pursuing an interest you have encouraged, at the same time giving you that withering look that i get two or three times a day.

    The Look

    i think this is excellent -- your use of light behind him, as well as your coaxing of a sincere straight-on expression, make this special. i like to try these in black and whites (different channels can yield significantly different results) and tinted versions, just to see what happens. YOu might want to try that. It also gives you a little more leeway in playing with tones throughout the face.

    Fall III

    Satya, I like this the best of your photos as well, its got an attractive composition, fills the frame, and compelling colors. You might want to consider some selective sharpening, and possibly even bringing down the yellow a little bit -- i find taking down colors (or altering the balance) allows some more detail to come through. colin carron, a poster on the site, is a master at it, though he does not do flowers.

    Fallen Barn

    Hi Nanette, pleasure to make your acquaintance. This looks like a worthy subject to me, but the light, or lack of it, doesn't work well for me. The brightness is really behind the structure, and that distracts me, and is a little too bright altogether. If you can go back at a time of day when the light is gentler, and possibly on the barn more, you might get some very compelling shots. the burned out grass and barn work well together, and the ramshackle tilts here and there appear very picturesque. Reminds me a little of some things posted by Susan Stone, who does some nice "western" work that you might be interested in looking at.


    a compelling expression and attractive composition, a little too soft and grainy -- looks like you blew it up from a larger photo, no?

    Mota del Marques

    Alberto, what an outstanding series of photographs! I am still going through them, but wanted to leave this note in the meantime. Interesting compositions, and presented with great color and dignity. well done!
  1. adorable, memorable shot, lovely tones, great pose. would also consider cropping on the left and up a bit to bring the daughter's face more to the center, but just to see what that looks like as an alternative.
  2. i'd say sort of, not as well as the other one i commented on. the colors and the background composition are lovely, foward to the trees. the foreground, well, i'm not crazy about the ridge coming in from outside the frame, it seems a little arbitrary where it does, and the slant down takes us quickly away from the foreground to a place where not a lot is happening.


    having said this, you are doing a great job with the tones and colors. gentle, evocative of countryside, and the details are retailed in the shadows very well.


    great stuff, nothing to add really from the above. a few ideas though -- i often use photoshop to subtedly brighten here and there -- you might apply a little bit to the eye here and the inside of the mouth, but not very much or it will be obvious. also, i like to try these things in color and black and white (and a tinted version of the black and white), just to experiment. this would be a good candidate, not in replace of, but in addition to.

    Where's Waldo?

    oh, i have been there, and its so frustrating, isn't it? something magnificent in front of you, and you have to shoot on an up angle like this. very tough. i like the original better, as the sky gives the structure a little room to breathe. in my experience perspective correction will help some, but the angle is too great to overcome i am afraid. thanks though for taking me someplace i would not get to on my own these days.

    Los Muchachos

    its a pleasure to run across your work. composition and tones ae terrific, and they are worthy subjects. so hard to get this without them posing for you cuz they've spotted you, and you nailed it. special treat is the reflection in the glass so that we get a glimpse at what they are looking at.


    very powerful image because of the grand background juxtaposed against the poor individual, and his placement in the pic in the foreground and to the right is perfect. i'd keep the color in the background as well.
  3. great expressions, love that their hands are similarly placed, really gets across that they are applauding as they look around. the pursed lips are fabulous. like how they are surrounded by their elders,gives a nice feel to them, as if they are safe.

    Back Off

    agree with the praise above, very enjoyable colors, composition, motion blur, dof, etc. like the way his head comes out of the shadows like the sneak snakes can be. agree that in a perfect world some space on the left would help, given the emphasis on the tongue. ideally for me, i'd want to try it with the centered part around the mouth.


    this is sharper, so i like it better. its a great image amar, her lively expression and pose, there's enough light to pull er out of the dark, very good tones, an attractive off center composition.
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