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Image Comments posted by bens

    Gold Mountain

    Hi Guy, the misty foggy quality of what was there comes across really well, and there are elements in the foreground, middle and far that work well together. for my taste, i'd bring down the brightness of the sky a little, i think the colors would come out better by doing so, but i admittedly am on a very bright monitor.


    Hi, i very much like photos like this, where you have to think about the perspective. i'd suggest rotating to the right or left so that the main lines are angled towards the corner of the frame, might be an interesting take.


    absolutely adorable. terrific tones, nice soft mood, great light on the eyes, wonderful definition against the background, nice isolation, i really like this.

    Colors #2


    i see a little artifacting on the full size (not larger) version on the second line going horizontal from the bottom, also first line down from the top. its not there in the larger version.


    but as for thumbnails, i notice artifacting on graphics and blocks of colors sometimes. i just posted something the other day that in thumbnail shows plenty of artifacting, but its not there when you look at the full screen.

  1. thank you for your note, i looked through your portfolio and must say how envious i am -- to be eighteen and have such a creative and independent eye for things!


    i agree with marco's comments here. this is hard to do -- to get the light right on a face with the sun behind, and you've done it splendidly. with children, i find its also possible to sharpen some features of the face a bit more than i do with adults -- the eyes, eyebrows and mouth in particular, you might want to try that a little here. the tilt adds significantly, and to my eye is done just right.


    a pleasure to run across your portfolio, thanks for taking the time to leave a commment.

  2. wow philip, i can't recall seeing something like this before, with buildings in the night outlined by lights, with a reflection. fun to look at. like the composition a lot, with the lights coming into the viewer on a slight angle, some space on the right available as the building seems faced in that direction a bit, enough in the foreground so that the building being the background seems appropriate rather than far away.


    so evocative, i can feel myself walking home through this neighborhood as the streetcar pulls away, kicking a rock down the cobblestone for entertainment . . . the repeating semi circles i the foreground and backgroud, your terrific decision to give us a view of somethig familiar from a vantage point we normally do not take, the way you've lined up the foreground and background, the framing of the building -- alexandre, i'm straining to find the photographic intellect to say anything meaningful here, hope this helps, i feel like an undergraduate who's wandered into a graduate seminar.
  3. Hi C.J., i'm enjoying this one quite a bit. for a candid shot on the fly, its got some fun elements. every individual has a different and interesting pose, and their grouping around this interesting tunnel provides a great inner frame that pulls them all together, although the girl is far apart. my one suggestion is to do some selective sharpening of their faces in photoshop if you have it, i think you will find it adds a little. if you haven't tried selectively sharpening with a layer mask, look in my portfolio of the photo of a hand putting a cigar to a guy's mouth with the top of the head cut of (cigar break its called), and see the entries in september 2005 and after. i exhausted what i know about it in some notes there.


    Elaine, what a classy, fun rendition -- your inventive framing suggests fantasy, just as does the world of the child portrayed. really nice moment, great exposure and colors, lovely.

    Waiting For Fire


    A peace offering, my favorite from Blake:




    Once a dream did weave a shade

    O'er my angel-guarded bed,

    That an emmet lost its way

    Where on grass methought I lay.


    Troubled, wildered, and forlorn,

    Dark, benighted, travel-worn,

    Over many a tangled spray,

    All heart-broke, I heard her say:


    'O my children! do they cry,

    Do they hear their father sigh?

    Now they look abroad to see,

    Now return and weep for me.'


    Pitying, I dropped a tear:

    But I saw a glow-worm near,

    Who replied, 'What wailing wight

    Calls the watchman of the night?'


    'I am set to light the ground,

    While the beetle goes his round:

    Follow now the beetle's hum;

    Little wanderer, hie thee home!'


    Sorry to have butted heads, Amey, let's be comrades in photography, its much more fun. Take care.

  4. ghiga, i'm charmed by many of your portraits, this one most of all. finding a moment like this and capturing it so well as a "fly on the wall" is so hard, and you've made it seem quite natural and easy with a great moment in a pretty scene, the subjects prominent and well lit. very nice.
  5. bravo john! this is delightful. the colors of course, especially cuz its night, the decision to cut the wheel so it comes out of the frame, the shutter just right so we get some real clarity on the wheel but also some motion blur, the midway sign in the background adding some complexity to the shot, bravo! i can hear the riders screaming . . .


    i love the idea and perspective of this series. having the subject interact somehow with the can works best for me, which is why this one stands out among them.
  6. Jana, I was browsing your portfolio thinking how much i can learn by your use of color and imagination, when i spotted this and simply smiled. it just makes me happy. i'm a sucker for symmetry, always have been, and the colors are very pleasing, very reminiscent of summer (its quite cold this morning . . .)

    Bubbles 1

    Hi Walter! I tried to take shots of drops on a leaf one day and found it frustrating, didn't get anything nearly as interesting as this, which nicely holds my attention. The dof is great, the decision to shoot on an angle presents a nice flow, the lighting, lower right (from the other side of the leaf?) creates another layer of complexity and pleases the eye, and the tint is right on the money for me. So i'm lookig forward to more in this series.
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