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Image Comments posted by hexenwolfe


    Even recognizing all the trickery and theatre, the eyes still tell the story and make the connection. Person to person in a single glance. Very well done!

    Dew Point


    Rule #1: If it looks good and somebody says they like it, claim it was difficult to do, but you did it on purpose! Never say it was an accident!! *G*


    You have to love automatic focus cameras that make photos like this much more frequent than they used to be.


    IMHO, you have the makings of a very good photo. I like the simplicity, and the monochrome. I think the flower is poorly positioned and looks wilted. I would like to see the photo with the blossom "right side up" instead. Exactly the same photo but with the blossom having the opening to the top of the photo would be an improvement.


    I seldom appreciate the twisted postures that seem to be popular poses by many photographers that work with nudes, but this posture works. I think it is because it is so sculptural. I can imagine it as a work of bronze or marble in the middle of a gallery. It would not work if it were anywhere except a plain white space. Nicely done!


    This portrait stopped me cold! Fantastic impact! I have been sitting here for five minutes trying to determine why this photo grabbed me and I haven't figured it out yet. I wish it were posted in a larger file so I could look at it more closely. Great work!


    I am not certain just why anyone would make a photo of a woman on the street in front of a wedding shop, in men's underwear, taking a polaroid of herself supporting a bicycle, but then I don't understand why Dali painted melted watches either. It is at least successful in providing some entertainment of thought. Sort of like bubblegum for the brain.


    I would suggest that you try and remove the wire running across the photo from the street lamp. Otherwise all you need is a group of people singing Christmas carols or a horse and sleigh.


    When I looked at this photo, my first thought was "What an excellent job of cosmetics..." After a while I looked at the photo and actually saw the person. I am not certain that this should be the proper sequence. I would hope that the first impression/thought would be "What a beautiful woman" and after a while "BTW, that it a pretty good job of cosmetics too".

    Green green

    Beautiful color and exposure, but IMHO it is lacking a subject to capture the eye. My eye seems to slide along the green leaf with nothing to grab onto until it slides right out of the frame. Now if you had a tiny frog, or blossom, or fly sitting on the leaf to arrest the eye it would be a great photo.
  1. Any viewer that has studied any Freudian psychology would be impressed with the female/male conflict of the subliminal images in this photo. The female imagery of the eggs alonside the male imagery of the two phalic vertical bushes. Interesting photo!


    Just the same age as the Virgin Mary when visited by the Angel Gabrial. "Be of good cheer for thou art blessed above all women..."


    To one who believes, a prayer is not a wish. What does she pray for...? The safe return of a beloved soldier? perhaps A child? Very thought provoking!


    I like the brown-tone better than the b&w. The asymmetry makes this photo much better than it would be if perfectly symmetrical. Makes it look like a seashell.
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