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Posts posted by eric_.

  1. I am sorry, I should have added this question to my previous one. But

    here goes:


    I am about to get my first DSLR: the D60. I'd like to know if it

    makes sense to get the Canon 180/3.5 macro (or the Sigma equivalent)

    with the 1.6 crop factor of the D60? The DOF will be very small

    already at 180 mm, especially at wider apertures (use of flash to

    improve?), so is it better to get the 100mm instead (yielding an

    effective focal length of 160)?


    I will be shooting butterflies, other insects and small flowers.



  2. Hello everyone,


    I am looking for a digital camera and I have the opportunity to buy a

    second hand Nikon D1 with "low mileage" and in mint condition for the

    same price as a used D100 in equal condition.


    Of course the D1 is a pro camera, built accordingly, wherethe D100 is

    more in the prosumer range. But the D100 has 6 megapixels to 2.6

    megapixels for the D1. Is resolution the determining factor if you

    had to choose? Can you please share your thoughts on this one?


    What would you choose?



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    Did you get that very nice lens for a good price from a fellow



    Can you answer one of these questions with "yes"? Then please

    subscribe to photo.net! It is very easy and it is cheap. Yet, you'll

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    Maintaining a website with alot of traffic is more difficult than you

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  5. Thanks for all the responses. Very interesting points of view with nice examples. I was impressed by the EF 135/2L + EF 25mm combo. Adding the macro tube makes this a very versatile lens, great for portraits AND great for macro. But also the Sigma 180/3.5 macro seems like a very good choice if the focus is on macro.<br>

    I haven't decided yet. Would like to see some Tamron 180/3.5 macro reviews...and prints!

  6. Hello all,<br><br>

    I am considering two long focal length macro lenses: the Canon EF

    180/3.5 and the Sigma 180/3.5. Does anyone know of an on line test

    of both lenses, or even better do you have first hand experience

    with both?<br>

    How versatile are both lenses? Can they also be used as a normal

    prime lens?<br>

    Is the Canon worth three times the price of the Sigma lens?<br><br>


  7. Hello all,<br><br>

    I need some advice wrt a suitable body for a 70-200/2.8L lens. Do I

    need the pro EOS 1n / EOS 3 or will a EOS 30 do the job as well? Will

    a EOS 30 be in good balance with this heavy lens? What, if any, are

    the draw backs for choosing the EOS 30?<br>


  8. Keith,


    In my perception they are two quite different pictures. The first is very vivid due to the strong contrast and the hard colours. The contrast and the lightning makes it somewhat flat though. It renders alot of detail and I really like the explosion of colour. The second picture is more subtle and it gives you a better clue as to what is shown. The light is very different, coming from an angle this time where the first picture is evenly lit (fill in flash?).

    I like them both, and I'd have a hard time too picking a favourite...

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