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Image Comments posted by mbb

  1. Lovely light. Not to mention that I love Arizona. You are showing the spirit of this place delightfully. Only if my opinion you could try the little different angle to place the Cactus farer from the sign. Best Regards, Mark
  2. Excellent composition and subjects. To improve it I would suggest after you open the file in PS (sorry couldnt resist after I read your bio :)) rotate a photo a few degree (left side up) add a little black area to the bottom and burn the right part (rid off the building) or maybe make the entire background dark. Best Regards, Mark

    Careful here ...

    Now you are trying to tell me that the father photographers dream CAN come true :). Congratulation. You have a very beautiful daughter and you photographed her in an excellent way. Best Regards, Mark


    Great photo Michele. Nothing to change just pure enjoyment. Only wish I have is to see an original print must be stunning. Best Regards, Mark
  3. Michele, I like a lot of photographs in your folders but this one somehow really getting my attention. The character of the person, mood of the surrounding Only one thing to improved if you have the room on original I will try to cropped it little differently move the person to the right now it looks like he is stepping out of the frame.


    I always wanted to visit Sicily maybe one day. It is beautiful country with a lot of mystery your photos showing it very well. I will come back to see more. (I was born and grow up in Europe sentiment is still there.) Best Regards, Mark

    Anasazi Ruins

    I like the colors and 'fire' concept but I would like to see a little different balance of the photo. This place in fact is photographed quite often and very similar prints are offer for sale taken from the same spot in Mule Canyon, Cedar Mesa. The main attraction of Mule Canyon is the Anasazi Indian ruins that can be seen under the cliffs on the north side of the canyon. The Mule Canyon dwellings were built and occupied by the Anasazis about 1200 A.D. The ruins have never been excavated or restored. I don't understand why people say they know where it is but don't answer the posted question for exact location.

    Cuckoo wasp

    Gorgeous colors and composition. Photos like this one bring the insects world close to the masses and show them the beauty of it. You also have quite few very original photos in your folder. Thanks for your help Alex. Best Regards, Mark


    .ViewSonicsorry Andy I am kidding :), the monitor name is Crocodile Monitor - Varanus salvadorii longest lizard in the world - may grow to a maximum length of 12 feet from head to the tip of its tail. Thanks to you for all for the comments. Best Regards, Mark


    Best Cheetah photo I ever saw. You have been in all the places I always wanted to go and I have to say you didnt waste one minute of that time. Your collection of animals portraits is magnificent and it will be hard to bit it by a single photographer. As it seems to be a big passion in your life you are very well awarded by your results. Best Regards, Mark


    Thanks a lot for all comments. Daniella, no I did not tinted -- in fact I did very little to this photo. It is full frame (no cropping) and I only adjusted levels a little (automatic bad habit) as the most important part for me are the eyes of the gorilla and I didn't want to change their color and brightness.

    Gate of eden

    Ben congratulation on the gold medal - I wanted to be the first to do it when I saw your name on the list of winners but I see you already put the note. Great image. Your portfolio is marvelous. Best Regards, Mark


    I am very positively surprise for so different style of your last reply Mr. Spinak. Except of unnecessary use of words wacky, silly and silliness. Even if we dont agree on some issues it is much more pleasure to read your reply and to write the answer now. If you only started this way I would take more seriously the chance the tendrils was not change. I would still have doubts but maybe dont express them so strong. For several reasons easy to understand I am not interested in to come and do examination of your slides. None of your reasons you listed are on the first place. But it is very good that you offer that possibilities as you may need it in the future with somebody else and it is good you are ready for it. In fact I agree with you on the fact that photos published in scientific articles or claimed as absolutely not manipulated nature wonders must unconditionally be pure fine art images are just a different issue. In fact this is a reason I can only enter in this category only some of my photos as a quite large number of my works were manipulated and has to go to different categories. So there is no better philosophy it is just the fact that photography has many different fields and I myself dont want to limit myself just to one or few. I also do a lot of pure nature shots and they stay no manipulated, some times I do another version of them but I will never send those manipulated variants for a nature show for an example.


    Now I am going to answer a few your statements which I believe wasnt necessary for you to continue or write. You choose to do it but did it in civilized manner so here we are.



    "Though the pictures in my portfolio are all pictures that I, at least, like... I don't display my best work, I display my best-selling and most popular work."


    Interesting statement especially for a pro you claimed to be. I never hear nothing like that from any pro in any profession. I have as an amateur a luxury of posting no so good photos as I dont take a chance to short my income by doing this. Quite of few of my friends was trying to point it to me why I shouldnt do that but I just like to see reaction of the viewers and dont care about scores. If the pro is not showing the best of his/her work it is a real chance for the potential stain on their professional reputation. Of course some clients would buy some strange photos because of they needs but they still in most cases will prefer to do it from well known photographer with many excellent photos. But again it is just mine observation and I just learn something new today (or try to learning).



    "Thus, I want to compete in the same contests as you, so that I can get in on the easy money."


    In a very polite way you letting me know that you personally dont like my work. This is perfectly fine. I have an opinion about your portfolio you have about mine. As far as easy money goes I am not sure and you shown a lot of fait in yourself without really proving it in your shown work or other ways then words. My philosophy is better, my un shown work is better etc. Some of the competitions I enter maybe are not easy accessibly to you. But I also enter a well known ones and anybody can do it and in fact the pros all know them and if they feel good about themselves they sent the entries. I came back today home from the trip and have a nice surprise in my mailbox. Numerous my photos were accepted in international competition Hasselblad Austrian Super Circuit 2003 and Special Themes Circuit 2003 and one of my photos won bronze medal. Maybe for you it is a very easy competition you can even more easy win so good luck to you. If you win there fist place you can then easy buy you a lot of equipment you want. So next year I think I want even be accepted as your work will dominate all the best pros from all around the world. They also publish international catalogue with accepted and winning works so you will have a wonderful printed portfolio of yours. Not to mention an invitation to yearly  'Gala of Photography' with the special banquet for the winners. I am going to upload the copy of the report cards from that competition but in separate post as I will try to delete it in the short time I just dont believe it is a place here to keep that permanent and give the viewers any suggestions how others judge the work of the photographer. But I want to keep above reply as it becomes sort of the record in our exchange of opinions. Only your comment Mr. Spinak, how easy is to beat my work by you is a sole reason for me to posting those facts.


    Clifford On the Road, rating system etc I leave all of it for now (and maybe forever) without extra comments. I am very glad to hear then editor-in-chief is thinking about new and better changes. I notice few good changes happened under him so maybe there is a hope and I for sure hope for it. I was going to write a few times about the ratings but so far always decided against. I just felt it was a lost of time. His job is difficult enough and he is handling it quite well so I hope he will come with something better in the future.





    Starts from the end.


    Geraldine said: "I do think it is now Mark's turn to apologise (to Mike)."

    Geraldine is right that Mr Bartosik owes me an apology, though, I don't expect that he is able to apologize to me sincerely.


    Why should I apology you Mr. Spinak and for what. Your above statement again gives me a picture of your personality. Once more time to end this subject: I never called you liar or faker. But I also (more and more now) dont accept this as a natural tendril stage and again - of course I can be wrong. The question who changed if that happen I cant answer. Somebody could walk an hour earlier and like this tendril so much that wanted to improve its aesthetic look. Unlikely, but possibly as everything else in this unpredictable world.


    And here is an example when somebody accused me of faking the photo:


    Just look how different was my reaction to yours. I did not start noisy discussion or get upset and try to say that he called me a liar or faker. I even said thank you for the compliment. And you know Mr. Spinak nobody could make me angry because I KNOW the photo is real and I dont need to worry about it. But somehow I dont believe you will learn something from this example.


    (A) Mr Bartosik read my picture's technical details

    + (B) My technical details say that my picture was photographed as found

    = © Mr Bartosik was aware of my claim that my picture was unmanipulated.



    Of course I did You dont need to be PI to see that. But what does that change? You already gave me an example of people manipulating photos way more famous then you are Mr. Spinak. I have rights of doubt to anybody why should you be en exempt? People have rights to question my work and I can answer them or not but we are living in civilized world so the way you present your answer is important. National Geographic faked the front page. Why I have to take every word from total stranger as a truth. Yes here is an open forum and EVERYBODY not only you Mr. Spinak are entitled to his/her opinion. If you can not take it you are not mature yet.



    I'm sure you find it much more genteel when people don't respond to your unwarranted imprecations upon their personal and professional integrity with vigorous defense. It must take all your fun out of flinging crap at total strangers when they fight back effectively. Unfortunately, the combinatiion of your making these statements in a public forum, and your attempts to back them by means of the supposed authority of your experience with Passiflora tendrils and your training as a biologist, necessitate a spirited reply.

    I let you off more politely than most would have, under such circumstances.


    No, dont do it politely, dont let me off please show what you are made of I am an adult and I can take it. End why should I afraid of you I am sorry but I dont find your defense vigorous or on professional level.


    Your philosphical predilections about setting up shots or doctoring pictures don't enter into it.


    In fact this is page with my photograph and it even sound funny that visitor is telling me what to say or not to say again your personality Mr. Spinak I dont come to your posts about equipment or survival etc and tell you dont write this even I dont like it and dont agree with it. But again I could because it is open public forum.

    Also I read the posts from the provided links - this links itself leading to articles which can explain the correlation with my philosophy but you could overlook it very easy taking under consideration your emotional reaction.

    Than to answer that I give every body the right to choose the path they want. If they choose limitation thats fine but you Mr. Spinak have no right to limit nobody else or even think your philosophy is better. As in fact nobodys path is better there are our choices. It is at least unwise to make a rule that somebody has to go to African bush spending months to find a very rare species of snake to take a few photos of it and they probably want even show the animal right. For example I was taking close up of cobras in striking positions - I let you Mr. Spinak to go there and do it in the bush - well they spit the venom too so you really need to be quick. My purpose of photographing nature is to help people to get more educated and appreciate the beauty of animals and plants the way they might not even know is existing. And my life is limited in time so I want to get done as much as possible. But it is my philosophy and I dont expect every one to like it. But you like it or not you has to accept another people opinions and feelings if not it will be the all life conflict with others.



    I hope we have a chance to compete against each other in the same competitions, some day.


    The best for the end.


    I hope not because I dont care and believe in the kind of competition you want. All judges are only humans with the personal taste and if you have any experience you should notice that the same photo can win big contest and loose small one. So if you win you think Mr. Spinak it will make more bigger man sorry I dont need that. My photography is mostly for me and those who find it interesting. Remember I am an amateur not pro like you. In fact after so serious challenge I get scare and broke my promises to never visit your portfolio (for the record you dont point it later I admit that fact now) and look at your work in hope to learn something. I have one main question to you are all of those photographs your best pro work you have or you keep some better ones for a revenge vendettas. I would love to know which photo of yours in your portfolio you are considering the best (except the one tendril) so I can learn what your professional taste is.

    For the closing moment I would like to inform you that your photo or photo of somebody you promoting so much (your only high score on the photo.net) was a final reason I gave up on rating and comments on photo.net almost completely.


    You and your friends from that post group shown me there are not hope for a good rating system here. And yes I believe this photo was not manipulated in any way. Just pure nature.


    Best to your professional career as a pro photographer, it is in the early stage as you said so I am sure you will work hard to improve it.

    Mark B. Bartosik



    Oh, whats a morning instead of going to start taking photos early I feel I have to sit on my little laptop and type. First Geraldine thanks for your apology and email, very unnecessary apology as in fact I see your post now as a favor which helps to clear some issue about my work on tendrils. I can understand your opinion you got when you were looking on both photos. Maybe you got too emotional as not being an author of another photo but hey we are all different and it makes life more interesting. So please not to remove your comment as it became an important part of this discussion. Then again another bad part now

    Mr. Spinak said:

    Your comment is tantamount to calling me a liar and a faker; and I deeply resent it.

    Where in my comment I called Mr. Spinak liar or faker? Maybe for him it is tantamount to understand it this way same like old saying 'hit the table and scissors will answer. I never had an intention to call him a liar in fact I did not know if he change the position of tendril or not and I will never know. I said I found it hard to believe it was a natural position and still do think this way, but also I said miracles happen so maybe it is an example of this very rare occasion we all hoping to find. Now when he clearly stated it was not changed I am taking it under the consideration. Only the way he presented his statement doesn't help to take it without the second thoughts.And one more time because of ONE photo taking by somebody else I am not going to stop my years of work or fight over that who has a more right to do it as I believe we all do have the same rights and I dont mind more people taking photos of tendrils. In fact I would be happy to see them do it and encourage the authors to take more. And one more time Mr. Spinak photo has absolutely no influence on my work and after his strange attack on me I can promises one think I would never visit his portfolio so if he will take a second photo of tendril please not to accuse me of copying him.On the very end I want to clear another issue which might pop up may not I have nothing against digital manipulation and changing position of the tendril is not a crime for me I might do it in future myself if I feel I like this way better. This photo was change a very little too the top leaf was burned as I did not like it to be too bright. Geraldine found it too flat as far as light but I like it better that way and this is a personal taste maybe her taste is better but I make my photos for me so will keep it my way.

    Best Regards,




    First the most important thank you all for your comments. Nabil I only had a short moment looking at your photos and like them a lot. I am on two weeks trip right now and have a very slow connection in the motel, when come back I will definitely spend more time with your portfolio.

    Now the bad part Geraldine no, you are not a killjoy just very wrong in a lot of aspects. I am photographing tendrils for many years. In fact I am (or was) professional biologist by degree. This particular plant I am growing next to my front doors for almost three years now. Long before the other photo was posted. So I am NOT inspired by nobodys work. In fact many people were photographing tendrils in the past and if any they were my inspiration. There is another point - light his is natural I work almost exclusively with tendrils using flash (bounce or soft box but flash) so wrong again. One more my tendrils are all captured in natural position base on my experience when I look at other photo I am almost sure that that one was artificially changed the loop was lifted and hang on the spiral part fine with me but it is not nature just look better aesthetically. I never count how many tendrils I saw in my life but many enough to say that. Of course miracles happen and it is always a chance I could be wrong but .

    On the end you comment Also, the gushing raves here, including comments such as "your signature", "perfect" etc, sound not really nice on other people just to inform my tendrils photos were wining competitions (CASH!!) and also were on exhibitions in few art galleries around the states so calling people who likes my photos gushing raves doesnt even sound right. Well, Best Regards, Mark


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