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Image Comments posted by mbb



    As I am not sure why the bended up tips of the wings are so important to you I will post a few another birds doing it. I see it very often especially when they are turning and gliding. And this last more then few seconds when sliding. The few examples posted below are from last few days. I have a lot of them in the past as well ? if it is of such importance I can look for them but I will have to know what exactly you are looking for.




    Walter: if this info is important to you than you are lucky one :) and you asked for it:). Photo was taken just couple days ago on June 5 at 7:16:41 as a last one in the series. Short introductory. Place was a wildlife national refugee in Texas. It is not a Florida, here usually in place like that is not a living human soul before 11-12am than maybe a few visitors will come, maybe not. I do not see them as I am taking nap in motel after 12am. I have no clue why they are coming at that hour as the place is dead and the temperature is over 100 F heat factor. All sane creatures look for a shelter:). In last few weeks I spent about 7-8 days there, last time from Thursday to Monday. Sunday morning I noticed that one spot attracted many herons and egrets so next day I was there before sunrise and spent few hours there. In this whole place many birds are very shy, as they do not have a lot of close contact with people and a lot of grounds to keep away. Even Great Egrets are flying away when you get in 50-100 yards range. Green Herons and Least Bitterns are the worse here flying away when they notice you. This morning was interesting as a lot of Great Egrets started to come and was taking position in the small canal, some as close as maybe 20-30 feet away from me. Then a green heron came and get as close as maybe 15 feet from me. It start flying away making a half circle around me at the distance of 12-15 feet and about 5 -8 feet above the ground but than got confused turned sharply around and when was coming from the turn last photo was taken. I was able to get 20 shots (from 7:16:00 to 7:16:41) in 41 seconds and only few were slightly blurred (maybe it was a mistake to delete them). Several hours of panning every day in past few days helped a lot:). Below I will upload a few taken before posted one. If this will help you in any way it will be my pleasure to help. If you have any more questions please ask. Best regards, Mark




    Patience got the reward. After several hours together ever the shy

    birds became friends. Thanks for the constructive comments.

    Black Skimmer

    Thanks for all your visits and comments. Augustine: with pleasure >> 400 ISO, 1/500sec, f8, between 300 and 400mm, 1.5 hours before sunset. Best regards, Mark

    Bamboo Leaves


    Venicia. When I started showing my work here (couple years ago) I was hoping not only get a real critique but also help in evaluation of my work. Neither happened. Place is dominated by people who believe they work is absolutely the best and many of them exchange 7s between them. After a while I think they really believe they are the best on top pages. I do not think you want a critique from them as they will either lie to get 7 from you or I think they do not know much about photography so what kind of help you can get?


    In fact one of my photos here (with lowest ratings) received gold medal in HASSELBLAD AUSTRIAN SUPER CIRCUIT 2004 this year. If I only use the *help* from here I would never sent it.


    As you can see feedback here can be very misleading. Best regards, Mark



    Dziekuje za wizyte. Gdzies Ty ta nutrie znalazl? Przesylam pozdrowienia i zycze duzo szczescia w Nowym Roku. P.S. Dwadziescia lat temu bylem bardzo czestym gosciem we Wroclawiu, a dokladnie we wroclawskim ZOO. Jak ono teraz wyglada?
  1. Yuri, thanks for a visit in my portfolio. I am very glad that you are uploading your photos again. It is always a pleasure to visit your place and see your excellent work. One can always learn a lot from your work. Best Regards, Mark


    Thanks Daniel. I gave up on trying to post this photo here. This is a third upload. First everything was looking totally bad. Wrong colors, artifacts name it. I changed to sRGB and colors got better. Yes it is a composite. Silhouette on original is razor sharp but photo.net compression is making miracles to get it blurred. This was already discussed on forum and I believe there is no solution. So far I uploaded several photos in the past, which I had to delete right away because of all those problems. Seems like especially the photos made with a lot of blended layers cant take compression on this site. Best Regards, Mark
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