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Image Comments posted by mbb

    First snow

    Jan, in this beautiful photo you are bringing me memories back of many long hiking winter trips to wildness where I used to live. Now I have no winter at all here in south Texas. I stay warm but missing the beauty of it. Again, your photo is a perfect study of color, light and composition of the winter landscape and one can also feel the fresh, freezing air there. Best Regards, Mark



    Michael, thanks for visiting my portfolio. I really like impression on your child face so I hope you don't mind I cropped and desaturated your image - I like it very much in black and white. Regards, Mark

  1. One more time. THIS IS A 100% PHOTOGRAPH. Only changes to original: curves were adjusted in PS, photo was slightly cropped and slightly rotated. Sorry, but I don't even know how to work in 3D programs :)
  2. I like this photo a lot. If you were not against PS I would remove the red spot and maybe try to crop the bottom a little. I believe this photo has a lot of potential so a little play with levels and saturation could create a better version. Regards, Mark.
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