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Image Comments posted by paulstenquist

  1. Intriguing, mysterious, beautifully lit. A very fine, very artistic effort. I really like the way you've placed the subject dead center in the frame. By breaking the rules, you've achieved something special. Great work.
  2. I find this quite good. I might have cropped it a little tighter, taking some off the top. I might also have given it a more generic title so as not to suggest too much. The picture tells an interesting story by itself. Well done!

    Pure Joy

    Thanks for the comments. It was shot horizontally, just as you see it. On a purely personal level I find it's of interest because it's not classic mother/daaughter. There must be thousands of those on this forum.
  3. Oh by the way, while I don't believe I've ever posted a photo that deserved a 1/1, I would also have to say that I've never posted a photo that deserved a 7/7. Both are extremes that are not attainable by most of us.
  4. I think your scale is off kilter. For most of us here, a 1/1 has to be bad in every way, both technically and aesthetically. In fact, I had never given anyone a 1/1 until yesterday, but you earned that one. This shot is of interest, because it's an aging relic that was left to die in the field where it probably once labored. It's a lost bit of Americana, and I must admit, my framing and compositon are okay, the picture is sharp, and the color is quite vibrant. Take a look at the other ratings it received. If you're just starting out, you should probably be a bit more cautious when rating the work of others. I apologize for returning the favor, but I was quite surprised at your rating, then flabergasted when I saw your work. You are inventive and have some good ideas, but your execution is very clumsy, typical of a beginner's work. In any case, keep trying, but think twice before you rate.


    Nice shot. I like the angry look. If you're losing shadow detail try doing a curves RGB adjustment in PhotoShop. Use the eydropper and pick your brightest white and your darkest shadow detail. That may help.
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