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Image Comments posted by paulstenquist

  1. The Chicago Water Tower is undoubtedly one of the world's most frequently

    photographed buldings. However, I was taken by a view of the Water Tower in

    shade juxtaposed against a modern skyscraper in sunlight. But maybe that's

    just me.


    Dressing up

    I think your framing and composition are excellent. But the lighting is too harsh for this lady. Her features are attractive but chiseled and angular. As is, it's a nice photograph, but it makes her appear harsh and aggressive. To make her beautiful and feminine, you need soft light and perhaps even a subtle gaussian blur. Nevetheless, there is no justification for a 1/1 or even a 3/3.

    BMW from the Rear

    It would be greatly improved by shooting much earlier or much later in the day when the sun is just above the horizon and, hopefully, shielded just a bit by haze or thin clouds. Also, you should try to avoid things like that pole that appears above the hood. Pro shots of this kind of angle are taken with the camera attached to a rig. The rig consists of a long arm that extends out to about where you shot from. It's bolted to the frame of the car. A very long exposure with the car moving very slow yields a very nice blur and a razor sharp image. The rig is removed later in photoshop.


    A beautiful image, well captured. I admire the fact you've been able to preserve detail in the highlights. The dappled light on the leaf is gorgeous. Nice work.

    On the Board


    From the boat at sunset. I shot this with a twenty year old Pentax lens (SMC-M 200/4) on

    the new Pentax *istD. Pentax backward compatability is a huge boon for those of us who

    want a DSLR but can't afford expensive new glass.

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