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Posts posted by canfred

  1. <p>Hi John , to use the Vitessa T in manual mode you lift the LV ring forward it clears and you are able to set any aperture. Apertures are marked at the bottom exposure times can be set looking at the top.</p>

    <p> </p>

  2. <p>Hi Ed, my advise to your dilemma is just shoot blanks for the time being while I do not think you are handling it the wrong way its always best to wait things will just fall into place. To your problem Lucas I can say very little I never owned or used a 5D but I will say I will never use my 5D II at 3200 it works well up to 1600. Better not to worry about too much testing shootin images is less stressing.</p>


  3. <p>Having used my 5D II for a few weeks and comparing it with my 40D my advise is use faster lenses. F4 lenses work better on the 40D seems to me they do focus faster than on the 5D II, I have not used the 17-40 I am sure its a fine lens but a lens with f2.8 would be soo much faster to use. I only own two Canon lenses one is the sweet ( underated ) 50mm f1.4 the other one is the superb 24mm f1.4 L my statement is based on using the kit lens again a very fine and well build lens but in comparising to focussing speed on my 40D its quite a bid slower.</p>

    <p> </p>

  4. <p>My 40D meters correct on the AV setting with EV metering but there are some issues on the 5D II one thing you must remember always disable Peripheral Illumination correction. Even doing so leads to inconsistent overexposures sometimes as much as 1 1/2 stops. I am still doing tests, if anyone has some answers to this I sure would like to know.<br>

    The adaptor I use has focus confirm it does work until I can get a different screen.</p>


  5. <p>Well Dave , I may no longer be a customer but Arthur is right. The S2 is not within my budget ,still if and when they will announce a new R10 my order is placed.<br>

    At the moment I use my R lenses on the big C the problem is manual stop down however the, reward is assured.<br>

    Actually pigs do fly around here all the time.</p>


  6. <p>Hi Gene , I took delivery of a 5D II last week just for your info so far the IQ this 5DII has not matched my 40D.<br>

    I am still doing tests, first of all there is an issue with edge banding in outer field this has been confirmed in other tests.<br>

    Lens quality was mentioned I use the finest primes Canon has and still no go. My advise check the IQ with a 5D II before you purchase.</p>

  7. <p>Jason I think this price is actually a little high the Summarit is not one of Leica's finest its not even Leica.<br>

    The lens is quite soft and does not sparkle with contrast either. Better to look for a Summicron any Summicron<br>

    will do. Actually the much older Summitar is better and cheap. I used them all.<br>

    Cheers Manfred</p>

  8. <p>I have never used the Sigma but I will say my 24L is outstanding wide open on my 40D.<br>

    The lens is excellent on my new 5D II just a small section in the corners display a little soft,<br>

    almost gone at f2.8. Just remember the Sigma is quite a bit cheaper but its not ff. My<br>

    24L is the first version and I would not consider a change.</p>

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