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Posts posted by canfred

  1. <p>Hi Colin , I have a few push on filters and the Voigtlander Focar close up lenses these are 32mm. My Vitessa L has the Ultron lens with a thread I am not sure of the size, but I do know original threaded filters from Voigtlander could be fitted and kept in place with the barn door closed.<br>



  2. <p>I use a Leica Elmarit 35mm on my 5D II the lens fits well with the adaptor from Tago it also provides focus confirm. The Elmarit is no longer in production, well build and sharp not light weight with adaptor 335g. The last version is best it has inbuild hood. You best use any non Canon lens with the AV setting the procedure is focus manually with the lens open or near open then stop down to desired aperture ( stop down metering ) then as you take the photo the camera measures and sets exposure time. All in all it works fine but not for high speed I will use this lens until Canon releases a new design 35mm L , Bob is right Takumar lenses are fine just make sure you get the latest of the SM but those are not small either.</p>
  3. <p>I changed the screens to the matt version in both my 40D and also my new 5D II the reason for this is to be able to use and focus non Canon lenses. Screens to use are the matt EGS in case of the 5D II they snap into focus nicely, I did not find focus slowing down and even with a f2.8 lens on the 5D II set to f4 there are no problems the EGS is a little darker but I do not agree reaction is slower than the 40D , I do use center focus for this.</p>
  4. <p>The Zeiss company bought Voigtlander it enabled them to eliminate opposition Voigtlander was owned by a chemical company involved in the manufacture of photographic chemicals and paper. Zeiss is no longer producing cameras or lenses ,as far as I am aware there is still a design office all lenses are build by third party companys under license. Just for the record Voigtlander lenses where always superior to Zeiss , one reason Zeiss wanted Voigtlander. Voigtlander at this time does not actually exist the name is used for marketing purpose some say illegally Cosina purhased the name from Ringphoto Germany. Zeiss lenses have been fitted to a great number of different cameras, not so to that extend Voigtlander lenses.</p>

    <p> </p>

  5. <p>You would need to establish the exact type of glue Daniel before making any attempt to remove it. Strange there should be glue at the inside rear lens, perhaps shellack that was used to fix bellows can be removed with alcohol or lighter fluid. Carefully applied it will not damage the elements. If unsuccesful the camera should be returned any other adhesive could be problems.</p>
  6. <p>Stephen your lens would be 75mm but not exactly so your problem is finding one that matches the next problem would be the viewing lens since those are matched as well. I am not saying its impossible but the only way I can see it happening is if you where to find a Rolleiflex with good lenses and exchange them. The better lenses are the Schneider Xenotar or the Zeiss Planar faster too at f2.8. If the lens in your Automat is poor perhaps one option would be just to replace the camera it may be less costly.</p>


  7. <p>Hi Kerry , to you beeing banned on the Nikon forum I can only say this is a result of heavey handed approach of the moderators here. I have had posts removed only to find the same type post appear a few days later. Your Nikon is somewhat special while I am not a Nikon person my impression is this camera will work without battery at speed the release was 2001 so it would be quite new and possibly rare.</p>


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