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Image Comments posted by boz

  1. Most people's idea of an abastract is a close up of something,

    leaving the viewer wondering what the object was. I wanted to try a

    large scale abstract, tilting the camera at an odd angle and

    concentrating on shapes and blocks of colour. Have i succeeded?



    This photo was taken spur of the moment while out shopping.I never

    asked him to sit that way, it just happend, and i was amazed when I

    saw it!

  2. When I saw the thumbnail I thought, ah, a digitally created pic, but opening it up I can see Half Dome with a weird cloud formation on top. Having read your history of the pic I'd say it was a lucky find and one to grab definitely.Whether or not the colours are unnatural or over the top I don't know, I've never used Velvia and i wasn't there at the time! I wonder what others reactions would have been if you didnt mention that it was on Velvia!

    One criticism is too much black I think, but thats going by the rules and I think it works in this pic.

    Summer Meadow

    always nice to see poppies set against a blue sky, makes you long for those lazy summer days! I like the way the cross lighting has caught the hairs on the flower stems!
  3. an interesting shot of some fruiting body,unfortunately it does suffer from a little camera shake and it's a pity you cut the top off or didnt go in closer to the bottom half of the berries and the fern leaf.
  4. it is a cool shot, the arrangement being like a portrait with people out of focus in the background, and the guy in the forgeround putting his hand up! Not sure if the 'hand' distracts too much tho.
  5. Never been to Scarborough, yet,(tho it's not that far from me)but this pic makes me want to go! I love these wide angle shots that lead you by the hand into the pic. One criticism is the positioning of the figures, smack dead in the centre, top.Would have been better on the left hand side but it's still a great shot!.

    A nice shot!

    five ivy leaves


    i love this one,more so than the paino or burnt car series! The shape of the Ivy leaves sits nicely with that of the peeling paint. I dont think the two fight for attention because the leaves are dark whereas the paint is light in tone.

    A nice shot.

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