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Image Comments posted by boz

    Don't Mess!

    Thats exactly Tac's philosophy.Shes so hard to photograph,won't stay still for a second.i had to rely on the pop up flash on the EOS to get it,looks a little cold but have no warm up filters,but what an expression she has!

    Snow Tree

    glad you like that one,it was one of the first photos i took when i moved out here,it really got me back into fotography.Been trying to get the magazines to like it but no joy.I'll try it again this winter with the 50mm lens i now have,see if i can improve on him.
  1. Thanks Lisa.it was actually a quite difficult shot to get,it was quite dark and I only had a small tripod with me,not too sturdy(had to borrow one) and i had to get right down to the ground almost to get it,might have better if I'd zoomed in on just 3 of the trees,but they do stand as a group and thats what i tried to capture,a group of trees out in the midddle of nowhere,going unnoticed by everyone.
  2. Thanks Lisa,tho it happened kinda by accident.I saw the handle and weanted a photo in mono but was playing with the digital and wanted to see how it would cope with tungsten lighting and thuis is the result,almost looks like it's made of gold or bronze.



    God i love this pic.i adore trees,my fave subject photographically and this is a corker.Would be nice to know what type of tree it is,it would seem to be a deciduous tree unless its a dead tree.


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