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Image Comments posted by beepy



    I also can't think of a good reason why the top right corner wasn't burned to match the other three.

    Hmmm... looking at the shadows in the next pipe, the "burning" seems to reflect the natural shadow pattern? This didn't bother me so much. Not sure uniform burning of corners warranted here.



    I like the previous comment on the celebration of roundness.
    I really like the off center composition driving the visual rhythm of the image - it has a pleasing rocking-back-and-forth feel. Well chosen vantage point to bring the viewer into the composition.
    Well seen too. I assume those are trees n the background and these pipes are large? They seem extremely well placed for a photograph - screaming for someone to compose them into an image. Great job.



    This is decidedly unexpected. Looking back in comments I note that I spoke a lot of the technical setup and comments in response to a couple question when originally posted.

    I would note the "sculpture" comment above - I was moving at this point towards a sculptural view of the body in some later shots, this may have been a precursor.


    Interesting. This was really an unusual shoot for me in that I have this (seemingly misplaced) need for order and control in my images. This series was a conscious attempt to get messy.

    Was also playing with ambient light (another thing I tend to avoid - always trying to control it too).


    Probably stronger, I would agree with you.

    I got overly attached to the vase as part of the composition (trying to use people as objects in a "still life" - but probably not integrated from a composition enough).


    The flowers and vase were serendipitous... I have been shooting at friend's places just to jog my imagination and the vase was sitting in the corner. I think that some of the dried flowers in there are persimmon blossoms which I thought went with the Chinese dress I had bought the day before in New York.

    I had done a "woman in still life" at the same friend's other house a couple years back... I was thinking of that when shooting.

    I do (as my portfolio shows) consciously reproduce classic images - it's been helpful to me (even in failures) to grapple with lighting and figuring out (hands on) why a certain pose works vs. the number of variations around it. That said - I'm coming to the conclusion that it is sometimes difficult to do something "new" sometimes. I've been doing photography for photography's sake since April 2003. Before that I did snapshots on vacation. I remember in the summer of 2004 being in a class at the Maine Photographic Workshops showing some work in class and someone saying "You must really like Ruth Bernhard." And I said "Who?" I became very acquainted with her work afterwards (and picked up some prints) - and met her at Photo SF briefly in '05 I think.

    I try not to let this all depress me:-)


    I definitely was going for an older look - the way she arranged her hair strengthens the association. The stylized pose reminds me of the 20's.

    The Weston portrait of Margrethe I am familiar with is outside with the shadows of the tree on the wall. I need to pull a book or two down and see other images Weston did of her.

  1. I really like the feeling in this image. Classic figure in tight composition, the larger reflected image subdued in texture - and the smaller fuller body pose in reflection has a beautiful Art Nouveau echo - with a different feel than the main tighter crop.


    Interesting image. I like the mirroring of the bodies. Broken with one shoe off. It does cause me to ask "what's the story here?"


    I love the tones in the image - the muting and darkness. I like the model's position and wall corner placement in this version rather than the other posted - seems stronger. Through bisecting the model.


    Yes - I want to return to this - I was WAY behind on my homework assignments - so was pretty despaired of exploring too much - I had to knock some other lighting scenarios off:-)
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