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Image Comments posted by beepy


    So, I too thought the focus was off in some way - soft. But I'm wondering - did you post-process picture to blur/soften aspects of image? What effect regardless were you trying to achieve? I like the composition, and the strong red. I (in my linear thinking way) would've wanted the image to be all in focus with front of camera - and drop off of focus on edge of table in back as you have it. Also - what is the lens reflecting? I looked at large image and couldn't make out - is it important? Was the RolleiFlex used to take that picture of Janis?
  1. I agree with a crop perhaps strengthening. On brightness of color - it did leap out at me - perhaps a tone down (Uncle Sam is an old character now - the colors should be "older" less bright, more aged?).

    the girl

    Given the previous comments not much to say - came to your portfolio from "Peaceful" and this shot struck me - the general monotone with the strong red and then the blue of the eyes - the distortion is both strange and attractive.

    Liz Two

    Yeah, I too miss the toes. So, after two days Photoshopping out the creases in a muslin painted backdrop I have to say - like in my studies of a fencer - that the creases are distracting from the composition to me... :-( I'll do a forum post - HOW DO PEOPLE GET RID OF CREASES? More ironing? :-( Her position is erotic - like the stretch of the skirt and the straps on calves. And the way she is holding her hair - works for me. So, on the toes missing - maybe I would went closer or more likely pulled away and not clipped parts.


    Different take on William Tell. I was wondering if the image would be improved if the apple was "polished" to give more reflection (indicating a "harder" surface).


    I like it. On reflection, the lower left portion of picture almost in focus is distracting. Composition of torso would be strenghtened by eliminating distraction.


    I guess I'm either positive tonight or rough - this might be passion. I wouldn't have called it RAGE though. That said, it is the one I clicked on in the portfolio. It stood out.

    R G B

    Simple. Nice textures in the pencil end. Strong lines... One nit - the green and blue looked a bit washed - not primary reditions - as the red does...

    Lone Tree

    So maybe I misrated... I was also struck by the strong diagonal - but tree seems "high" in frame. That said, the picture did strike me immediately when it popped up - "wild" leapt to mind. Hmmm...
  2. Hmmmm... I would've (1) raised the camera to eliminate the glass partition, and hopefully get the whole building in shot, (2) tried to get the surfer earlier in the movement so they are on right hand side of frame and appear to be moving into it. Alternately, zoom in and focus on surfer.
  3. So, you title the picture "The absent friend" and there is a starkness, and the head turned as if looking down the road waiting for their friend to show works for me. I started chuckling when you said the painter added the Bougainvillea (sp? argh) sort of changes the tone to "Man and Bougainvillea" :-) I like the general tones now, introducing "color" would be distracting.

    Shave Yourself

    I went higher on the originality than aestehtics. I liked this better than "Shit Yourself" which you had already commented on. The flow of figures to the right, the reflections. I found the clutter distracting - but if gone the picture would be unbalanced (are you trying to say shaving is messy no matter what?)
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