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Posts posted by sajeev_chacko

  1. Chan, i don't think thats the main reason for Canon's product being

    more expensive. because Canon products can be twice as expensive as a

    third party product which is not justified. As noted by Isaac, a

    third party product can be used bodies of different companies. So they

    can afford to reduce the price where as Canon produces equipments only

    for its own products.

  2. Hi everybody,




    So far all of you have been kind enough in answering my every question. I guess I don't bore you too much with my questions. Since i felt that this is platform for discussion I ask whatever come to my mind.





    The question I would like to ask everyone is that why does Canon want to keep its monopoly. Why does Canon asks for more money for the similar camera and equipments. Body is fine. What about lenses, flash and other accessories. I mean all the Canon users would be very happy to see Canon's lenses being sold at the price nearly equal to that of Sigma and other third party lenses. Higher end third lenses can be as good as Canon's in much lower price. Ofcourse, a third party accessory can have future compactibility problem. But is this the only reason for a high price in Canon accessories. Sigma's EF 500 Super is almost equal to Canon's 550 EX flash in nearly half price. I guess Canon users are pretty much disappointed by this. Or is Canon charging for its NAME. May be Canon doesn't want its users to go for a third party accessories. In every manual Canon writes *USING A THIRD PARTY ACCESSORY WILL CAUSE THE EQUIPMENT(usually body) TO MALFUNCTION. So far, I think, nobody has seen any such problem or than incompactibility with newer bodies.




    What do you think about this ? Should Canon change its strategy to satisfy its users or maintain the present status ?




    I am quite new to this field of photography. My question is based on what I have heard and read in last few month. May be I am wrong. But I would like to know whats the actual reason. Your opinion about this regard would be useful.





  3. well Lee, i guess, even taking off the hood will not help much,

    especially when you are shooting at lower focal lengths like 28mm. i

    took a couple of shots at 28mm with built-in flash of my EOS 300 and

    got the lens shadow at the bottom. but when shot at higher focal

    lengths and cropping the bottom, it worked as usual.

  4. Is there any difference in the accuracy in metering a particular subject by a pro EOS 3/1V, midrange EOS 30/33 and the low end EOS 300/3000. For instance, if EOS 300 gives a shutter speed and apperture of, say 1/180 sec and f/8, in a some custom mode, then will EOS 30 or 3 give anything different for the same subject. Ofcouse, EOS 3/1V is capable of changing the EV in 1/3 stops. This will anyway increase the accuracy in metering. In other words, are the light sensors better (in terms of accuracy) for high end bodies.
  5. i have a EOS 300 + ef 28-135mm lens. i don't think that weight or 72mm

    filter size is a major problem. if you are not carrying too many

    lenses then its ok. with this combo and a battery pack BP200 it gets a

    professional camera look and feels similarly. that increase in weight

    increases the stability when you handhold the camera.

  6. hi,




    that lens is not really good for any such photography you mentioned.

    its very soft at the longer end. you really need to be careful with

    it, especially when you are planning to enlarge the photo to 8"x10".

    you will have to get some long primes or a macro lens.




    what do you mean by "iso200 film,eg kodak gold 100,yield grainy

    photo". kodak gold 100 is a iso100. its a good film but good enought

    when the subject is steady and when you are shooting with a tripod or

    light sufficient enough to give you high shutter speed.

  7. this is a very general question. anyway there are lots of websites

    which give some basic information about photography. a couple of them





    <a href="http://www.photo.net/"> http://www.photo.net </a>

    <a href="http://www.betterphoto.com/"> http://www.betterphoto.com </a>




    if you are very interested in learning photography you can go through

    some good books recommended by <a href="http://www.photo.net/">

    http://www.photo.net </a>. the other way is to join some photo couse.

    there are some online photo courses available at the above mentioned


  8. hi,





    i have a problem with my EOS 300. yesterday when i was trying to see a candle light through my camera i find that in landscape view (horizontal viewfinder) i could see the light clearly. when rotated by 90 degrees (potrait view of the viewfinder) i saw one more image of the candle light as if diffraction through the pentaprism. i confirmed that the problem is not due to the lens. i kept the body horizontal and rotating the lens i did not find any such images. so it has to be either the mirror or the pentaprism. has anyone experienced this kind of problem. is this a serious problem. do i need to take any special care. i know that it won't effect the final picture. but i am still little bit worried about it.





  9. it sounds only when i mount the lens with batteries in the camera.

    when i mount the lens without batteries, it doesn't sounds. but next

    when i inserts the batteries and close the battery cover, the same

    sound is heard. is it due to the USM and/or IS being initialised due

    to the batteries or i have to get it checked through the dealers.





  10. yes. what Eekelen said is true. i didn't realised this. one should not

    unmount the lens when the IS is ACTIVE. there is no problem in

    unmounting the lens with IS on "1" as far as you are assured that the

    IS is not active. thanks Eekelen and Tope for your useful bit of


  11. hi there,




    i bought a used EF 28-135mm lens from the local dealer. i find that when i mount the lens a sound is heard as if the apperture blades are stopped down or some kind of contact sound. this happens only when the batteries are loaded, both types of batteries: 2 CR2 lithium or 4 AA size alkaline batteries in the BP 200 pack. what could be the reason. is there any problem with the lens or the body. i have EOS300. please help. the lens still hold canon's warranty in the EU countries and ofcourse the body too.





  12. how far is your subject from the camera. i guess its not too far. then

    in that case you can use a remote cable release. i don't know whether

    it has any wireless remote. but the remote wire can be extended by

    some means so that you can press the shutter button while holding the

    reflextors. this will ofcourse take care of the exposure at the time

    of reflector light.

  13. canon says it should not be done. but it doesn't say what happens if one unmounts the lens with IS on "1". does anybody know what happens. one may forget to switch IS off before unmounting. or the IS might get switched ON before mounting and unknowingly on might mount the lens with IS ON. will either case affect the functioning of IS or lens or the camera.






  14. yours is a Type B camera. so you should go for E or EZ series flash

    namely the Speedlites 300EZ, 420EZ, 430EZ, 540EZ. for some more

    details you can go through the site

    <a href="http://teladesign.com/photo/eos-flash/">





    regarding lenses, you should be able to use any EF lenses by canon. if

    the lens is not malfunctioning, then its the body which is unable to

    autofocus. so changing lens will not work. you will have to get it


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