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Image Comments posted by fotografpeterlundberg.se


    Lovely portrait. I think we usually see to little of this kind of portraits. Kids are surely not really happy all the time. I like this picture a lot and I also do like the cropping becuase it gives the feeling that she is going somewhere ( to the right ), dont liking what ever that she is looking at.

    Max Winks

    Very fun portrait with a different angel! Only thing to remark is the legs in the upper part of the pic. But thats something thats sometimes hard to avoid in this type of photography.

    Little Brother

    This was something extra. Good idea, nice toning and light. Onlything I would like to se is a different cropping. I think this pic would have worked in a more square format.
  1. I like the PS work done with the picture. The girl is good looking and her eyes have good contact with the wiever. I dont know if shes ment to look sexy, but my impression is that she is angry or dissapponted. The only thing I do not like is the big text with the photograpers name. But I guess that it is easily removed in PS.



    Thanks for your comments on my pic. i do like this picture. Its a nice portrait of a man in thoughts, he seams to be "far away". What i would like is to see more of him and his environment. I guess that being abord a boat like this gives a few opportunitys to take some nice and interesting pics.


    I will have a look at your folders later on.





  2. The three and the clouds work together to make this pic. Maybe a slightly tighter crop ( bottom part ) would improv it even more?


    I can read "data on known" in your own remarks. If interested, yoiu should be able to get the EXIF data from your picture. It contains all you want to know!


    ..but second thing that strikes me is the horizon. About adding something in the foreground...hmm Im really not shoure about that. The sand and the warm light might be enough.
  3. I have seen a qiute a few of these photos, but the colors, the light and the shadows keep capturing my interest. This one is no exception. But...I think that it could have been made more surrealistic by a tighter crop. Anyway a nice picture.
  4. To bad no one cared to comment. In my opinion the light from the flash create a treathful fealing. Its almost like the har lit photos froma criminal scene.

    Did you shot those pictures for a special reason? An ad campain or something. ( but i guess that some of these photos are a bit to much for the US market )


    Please e-mail your answer if you would like to leave one.

    Swan couple

    Very good composition end exponation. Cropping is excellent. Only thing I can think og that would make the pic even better ( in my opinioon ) is if the depth of field would be better.

    River Walk

    ...of the tree pics I took look at in your folder tonight. Very, Very beutiful composition. Stairs creating an enourmus depht in the picture together with the tree branches hanging down in the foreground. I wont mention the light - it is just as it usually are in your pictures....
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