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Image Comments posted by fotografpeterlundberg.se


    How did you do this one? Open the shutter and leave open until "zap"? Did you flash the foreground with the camera? If so how did you meter it? Personally I think I would have cropped the sky a bit. Anyway a great shot.
  1. I think you have captured a nice picture but since you asked for something that you might learn from I will give you some personal thoughts. First of all I think that you maybe could have done it a bit darker. On my screen it seems to bi a bit overexposed. All I could think of that maybe would make the composition better is that you could have included a pair of people somewhere a bit up in the stairs. The lines in the picture draws the attention in that direction. I would not have done this picture anybetter myself. I think you did a very fine job!
  2. But I would like to have the picture cropped lower so the dogs ear would be fully visible and less empty space over his/hers head. Also you might want to get lower down, in level with the dog when taking your photo. By the way undrar jag om det är en Hamilton eller en Finnstövare?


    Heja Norrland!



    Peter L




    I would have liked to take a picture like this myself. Do you have a series of similar pictures. On a display I would like to have a couple to form a theme, but for me at least, its hard do come up with several ggod shots that holds.


    How are other photographers doing. Collecting similar shot over time to get a nice serie or try to do it all at once? Have you got any experience?

    Autumn Emma

    Or should I say nice cropping? Did you decide to have it this way during the session or did you crop it later on? Anyway I think that the picture leaves the viewer wondering a bit about the girl and at the same times focuses on the autum leaves. I really cant find the right words to explain what I like with it, but I do!


    I would like to se the picture in a bigger size. As it is now I think its to small. The picture itself work, Im not shore wy. The cropped view and the ( in my eyes, I hope that i dont do anyone sorry now ) "distorted" anatomy. The picture for me raises some questions - and perhaps I could see this one as one of a series. What is yoyr own thought with the picture? Please reply since I think this one was very intresting.
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