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randall ellis

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Image Comments posted by randall ellis

    Oak Barrels


    This one caught my eye - I think it is my favorite of what you have up right now. I like the repetitive patterns the barrel halves create, and it reminds me of when I was a kid (these things were *everywhere* where I grew up). I like the muted colors and the interesting textures of the weathered wood and iron hoops. I would consider what it would look like if you moved in to eliminate the tops and the left side so that the frame ended with the most distant barrels and no view into the tops. I think it might have a stronger impact by showing less, or it could ruin the shot. Either way, I like it!


    - Randy



    I don't think that there is any way you could get any detail in the sun - there isn't really any there to capture, if there were, no capture method would have the range needed to capture detail anywhere else in the image area.


    This has a lot of feeling - it makes me wonder what the person is doing, what they are finding, why are they there... I like the choice of silhouette for this subject as it adds to that feeling, but I would consider removing some of the foreground, say, up the the last reflection of the sky in the water. It doesn't add anything to the image and it lessens the sense of depth created by the line of the water and the distant objects near the horizon.


    - Randy



    Of the three banjo images you have up right now, I like this one the best. I think you really nailed the right amount of the instrument to show without going over, which really gives this a lot of impact. This has wonderful detail and sharpness, and I also love the lighting - just smokin! Do you play?


    - Randy

  1. I think your message is good with this one, but the tonal values are too heavy weighted in the mid-tones, giving this a very low contrast feel which does not due the subject justice in my opinion. Unfortunately, I can't really help you there because I know little about digital conversion to black and white. Your composition is strong though, with the front and rear wheels filling the frame and with good detail and depth, and with the tree closing off the right side of the image.


    - Randy

    Leaf on ice 2.


    I really like the lines you have here, they could stand on their own without the leaf to make a great abstract. With the leaf, they give a great color contrast - the cool toned ice really sets off the warm yellows and reds in the leaf. You captured a very pleasant image here, nice work.


    - Randy

    A tunnel.


    Great vision here. I really like this type of photograph in general, but the colors in this one fascinate me. The cool blue of the stonework really sets off the yellow to make an image that is a lot of fun to view. Very nice work with this one.


    - Randy

    Into the sea


    This style of photograph always catches my eye. It's the surreal feel of the water on a long exposure I think. I like the vignetting in the sky - it makes me focus far into the image, and creates a nice sense of depth. There may be a slight tilt to the right side, perhaps created more by the rail than the horizon, that is a bit distracting, but other than that, this is solid stuff.


    - Randy

  2. This is a very striking photograph. The tonal values of the wall the door really make a strong impact, and the sky, while dark, is not over done as is common these days. The reflections in the water attract my eye and lessen the sense of depth, but other than that, I really like this one. Nice work.


    - Randy

    Time to relax


    While it may not have been your vision, I see this as a sort of parody of the nude photograph. It makes me want to buy a couple of mannequins and do an whole series of classic nudes, but with mannequins. Great job.


    - Randy



    The compressed tonal range works well with this subject, but (and I know there was probably little you could do about it) the plants in the bed hanging over the wall take away from the shot. There is also an area at the top left that doesn't work well, but the rest of the image is strong enough to prevent it from being a problem. Nice work.


    - Randy



    This really caught my eye. I like the effect the strong edges create in the veins and there is also something that I can't articulate right now that keeps me looking. Really nice stuff you have here.


    - Randy



    This feels like home. I like the tonal values you have here - they appear, at least on my monitor, to be just right for the subject, and there is a great sense of place in this shot. I'm not a fan of those black bars, but I think this would do well mounted in a black mat. Very nice.


    - Randy



    I like the tonal values in this shot - they give a nice level of detail in the accordion and in the man's face. Also, you included just enough of his surroundings to give a very good sense of place, and the slight motion blur in his foot makes the shot a nice dynamic feel. Very nice work with this one.


    - Randy

  3. There are details in all of the highlights areas, but digital representations are not my forte, so this may be lacking in more ways than one as far as presentation goes. On my monitors (home and work) the details are there, but each monitor shows slightly different amounts of detail, so I can't really say what's up with it. Either way, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!


    - Randy

  4. I like the sense of depth you have here, with the leading line and the distant poles going back into the image, but the tonal values of the nearby poles seem overly compressed. I also think that dark area at the bottom of the frame is too strong - it competes with the subject for my attention, which weakens the impact of the photograph. That said, I do like the tonality of the sky - it's very smooth and soft feeling, and gives a nice contrast to hard feeling of the poles. The same goes for the sandy beach, and I really like the reflection in the water at the bottom of the nearest poles. There is a sense of history and a bit of mystery here, but my eye wants to see more detail in those poles.


    - Randy

    Under Lock & Key


    I like the semi-monochrome feel you have here, and I really like how close in you got with this shot. Of the two like this that you have up right now, this is the stronger - primarily due to the vertical orientation which works with all the other elements; the grain of the wood, the oval lock plates, and the metal loop. The only thing that I would do differently if it were me making the shot would be to try to get the entire frame in sharp focus. Nice work.


    - Randy



    I like the repetitive pattern and depth, as well as the texture and color of the wood, but I think it might be stronger with less. I would crop on the left and bottom and see what you think. Often, less is more, as clich頡s that might sound. In this case, providing the viewer just enough to get the idea of the pattern of wood and the dark spaces between, and a sense of depth by having *some* area that clearly recedes, would give the effect you are working on here without including anything that might be distracting from that effect.


    - Randy



    I like the message this sends, and I like the angle you chose - it gives a more dynamic feel than you would have gotten if you shot this straight on. Also, this is a good choice for the square format - it adds to the impact of the photograph. I'd like to see the high tonal values be higher though, they appear a bit muddy as they are here, but don't change the lower values. There is a nice amount of detail inside the hole, and it is very important to keep that if you want to preserve the impact. If you were printing this I would suggest cutting the print time by %10-20, and then look at the lower values in the dry print to make sure they still have nice depth. Very nice work.


    - Randy

  5. I like the idea you have here, it's strong and has a lot of potential, but a couple of things detract from its impact. The edges of the leaves looks over-sharp, almost etched, which takes away from the realistic feel and creates a strong visual draw that prevents me from easily seeing the rest of the image. Also, the harsh contrast prevents me from seeing any of the finer details in the leaves, which adds to the unnatural feel. I like the way you handled the background, and I like the composition of the leaves, but the two things I mentioned above are a bit distracting.


    - Randy

  6. Yes, exactly! This is so much stronger than the far view (to my eye anyway). My mind fills in the rest of the building automatically, so it's not missed at all, while the close up of the window really puts a lot of emphasis on just that part of the building. Very solid stuff.


    - Randy

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