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Image Comments posted by jmonzani


    I really don't feel like the photo is well cropped: a hand is noticeable on the top left, the other shadow on the right is cropped too (look at the thumb on the right). Plus, the man's shirt is a little overexposed. I'm sorry but I don't feel like this picture deserves such high ratings, it's still very perfectible.


    I usually don't like coloring of black and white pictures, but for once, this works good here. I think it's because it reminds me of Magritte's paintings. I think you could safely crop the edge of the bed.


    This picture talks to me, I really like its softness and tones. My only concerne is the thin black line in the left (probably some grass).


    Really, really great work, it seems that MF are always better for this kind of shots ;) But for sure, the photo is not great because of your camera, but because of your eyes. This is absolutely beautiful, I really like it. Congratulations!


    Not enough blacks for me, her hair has no details at all, that's too bad. I also miss some white in there... I really prefer the lightning of your Nadia2 (5) portrait for instance (although histogram in this one still lacks some blacks too). You should definitively use that tool (histogram) to correct your pictures. But maybe I'm completely wrong and all of this was done by purpose :) - Hope this helps. Cheers
  1. This is my favourite in your portfolio: the blue color of the stones combined with the fuzzy reflected colors in water give a surreal impression. With this kind of subject, it is very difficult to frame it in a nice way, but you managed to do so. Congrats!
  2. I always liked simple photos, and this one is really beautiful. Apart from the composition, I really appreciate the rendering of the moss carpet, and I really second Dan's comment on this. Great job!
  3. I really like the overall simplicity of this picture (I always tend to favour simplicity). I think that the painting and the chair are really key elements in this picture: it would be otherwise too empty to be interesting. For the painting, centering is good but I would have moved the chair to the right side. But, as you said, you did not noticed it when taking the picture :) ! I like composing pics in thirds, and by putting the chair of-center, it would have make it the main subject in some way. But I don't know if that was the interpretation you wanted to give. All in all, good lightning, and maybe this pic would benefit from a little croping of the top (ceiling is distracting). Best regards,

    A Model

    I second Peter's comment, I really enjoy the unsual composition. Too bad that her right eye is covered by hair, but I assume that this was an unposed shot, so this is not really a mistake.
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