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Posts posted by jamesb

  1. > My initial thought is to consider the way buildings


    Hmmm; while this makes some sense, I would have thought that faith was about people. You might consider something more along the lines of how people use faith. The word 'space' needn't be taken literally, but you could explore for example how people use their faith to maintain their sacred space, their sanity or whatever. Nothing is more sacred than the inside of one's head :-)

  2. Seriously cool Carl.

    So a bit more like...



    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/5806755-md.jpg"><br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3837486-md.jpg"><br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/6050021-lg.jpg"><br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3824249-md.jpg">


    Actually shop windows are going to be quite good for this. They can look great at night (maybe after Husband is home and kids are sleeping - if that's possible).

  3. People often seem to have trouble with the definition of 'artist'. I think in the art world it is generally accepted that the older definition which included an exposition of skill and the act of creating something is no longer exclusively held. Artists like Duchamp and Jeff Coons (who is more like a project manager than a craftsman) probably finished that one off. So using the skill or craft of photography is probably not a requirement for calling oneself a photographer any more. In that case collating images from other sources (found photos, security cameras, web pages, whatever) does probably qualify an artist as a photographer.



    Who knows!

  4. Maybe I don't know much about being a paedophile, but I fail to see what useful material can be gained by photographing children on the street. Surely you need to catch the child in a state of undress? In any case you don't have to avoid all pictures of children. Perhaps nappy changing and breast feeding shots are best avoided.<p>


    Kids on the way to the football<br>

    <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/6050007-md.jpg">


  5. My apologies...


    Photographic relevance:


    (a) it is about the careless misinterpretation of a photograph. (I say careless, but deliberate might be more accurate).


    (b) it is about a photograph that was passed from hand to hand, became a story, and was then published. Photographer is an amateur as far as I can tell.

  6. <a href="http://www.abc.net.au/mediawatch/transcripts/s1887890.htm">Snap!

    Freezing Bears - Story</a><p>



    Those stranded polar bears on the shrinking Arctic ice - victims of global

    warming - certainly tugged at the heart-strings.<br>


    That photo was published not only in the Sunday Telegraph.<br>


    It made it onto the front page of the New York Times.<br>


    And the International Herald Tribune. <br>




    But the photo wasn't current. It was two and a half years old.<br>


    And it wasn't snapped by Canadian environmentalists.




    Looks like we can still trust the media circus just fine. In fact they fall for

    so few hoaxes that we have our own show on T.V. to entertain us with them :-)

  7. These things are always open to individual interpretation of course but:



    (i) The mushed up face is because the presenter was speaking during the exposure, perhaps blinking. It does make him look 'not quite right'



    (ii) The phrase at the bottom of the screen is journalese, and even if the viewer isn't familiar with the events it refers to, there are word games to be played with it. e.g. How can you retract a concession? Once the cat is out of the bag you've had it. But after realising this is referring to Gore trying to undo conceeding his loss of the election and how ineffectual that eventually was the viewer is free to realise the strategic incompetence implied.



    (iii) After (ii), the face starts to look like a sneer of delight at the political mess that is about to unfold. Perhaps this is the moment that Brokaw realises what might be about to happen. Professional delight?



    But then I'm just a country boy from the arse-end of the world :-). We're not even talking about my politics.

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