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Image Comments posted by og



    Serie about a Street Lamp at Sunset. I liked the echoed Eiffel Tower

    in the background and the colors of the clouds.


    Thank you for your comments


    It reminds me of some paintings from Caravaggio: the light is very interesting! I would prefer slightly less shadows in the lower part of the picture (cloth), or maybe a different framing.
  1. I apologize for using the "italian mafia" words. I didn't intend to offend anyone (I thought of "mafia" as a generic word, as it has become in French. My mistake).

    It is just that I realized that people tend to form groups based on nationality, culture... thus increasing the probability of the 'mate-ratings' issue existing in PN. It is an expected reaction (and I would have the same bias toward french PN members), and far from being an abuse case, here.

    This being said, I looked at your whole portfolio and I must say that your Landscape work is awesome (light, colors, composition...) and shows us an amazing vision of Italy.

    Let There Be Light

    I like the colors, composition (perhaps even more in other pictures from your Pbase portfolio): excellent picture.

    Just to explain what you see: the sea will reflect the light coming into your direction (vertical plan). Therefore the reflexions are from the bright holes in the clouds, not from the rays of light that we see here. And the Sun is located at the intersection of the rays, and in front of us (Hmmm... but very far... :-)

  2. Nice picture.

    Hmmm. On your comment on ratings, I am not sure to understand the issue. You got only one "3-2" but way too many "7-7", which are probably not photo related.

    So... Do you want PN management to remove all the 7s ? ;-)



    This image is more like an 'instant volé' (stolen moment???) than a real portrait, so I like the pose. However, I see a lot of artefacts from JPEG compression, and the pictures has been heavily resized.


    Is it still moral to say that I like the girl a lot ? (and not the evil little yellow thing on the left...)



    I guess you need to be 4 for this job, but perhaps the 3rd will also fall, and reveal the 4th (in my story, at least...).


    The composition is effective as well. Maybe a bit of cropping on the right could strengthen the picture.

  3. I know that drivers work a lot, but driving 2 trucks is probably too much for this poor guy...


    Although the picture is not really 'eye-catching', I like the stories it conveys.

  4. You really have an eye to see unusual/funny scenes. However the contrast here is very strong => the sky is burnt whereas the shadow is still dark. If you could bring more details to the sky AND to the shadows (masking), I think that the pictures would be more interesting from an 'Aesthetic' point of view, and attract more people to check the title...


    Millions of pigeons... I guess we must have several planets like this near Paris : )

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