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Everything posted by digitaldog

  1. I've tried nearly half a dozen 16-bit documents, but can't reproduce what shows up in your one document. This is a sample of many images, 16-bit, Adobe RGB (1998) zero issues in Elements: Try it. http://www.digitaldog.net/files/2014PrinterTestFileFlat.tif.zip This is another sample of many images, 16-bit, ProPhoto RGB and again, zero issues in Elements: Try it. http://www.digitaldog.net/files/Gamut_Test_File_Flat.tif Test_File_Flat.tif Yes or no; you see the green?
  2. It's your image data (why no idea yet...) I render a raw in Elements version (crippled version) of Adobe Camera Raw, and the overlay shows clipping in the red channel. Set for 16-bit. Open in Elements, and run Haze Removal: no issues, no green overlay. So what's up with that PSD of yours? The next step is to upload the raw.
  3. Go back to the raw. Render it 16-bit, ProPhoto RGB, and try again in Elements. Same green, less, no green?
  4. No on this end; the test image I provided has paper white (RGB 255) all over it. There is no issue with the green overlay. And in your image, only the Red channel is clipped as seen below:
  5. Something seems to be messed up in your document. Yes I see the green on your 16-bit version; worse is what I see on your 8-bit per color document in the preview (see below). Yes, zooming in, it disappears so it's not in the data! If I open a 16-bit document of mine and run either Haze Removal or Auto Haze Removal, there are no issues (see below). So the next question is, do you only see this green issue on this one image?
  6. "The first human being who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." -Sigmund Freud Just follow the instructions or move on! Zoom into the 16-bit image until you see the green issue; make screen capture.Zoom into the 8-bit image the same way; make screen capture. Save crop (or entire image) in native format, zip and upload both to something like Dropbox. The raw isn't the issue; it IS RAW! Are you that lost on problem-solving what you tell us is a bug in Elements (more assumptions)? Just send a tagged image in the ORIGINAL format (TIFF, PSD, whatever) in both 8-bit and 16-bit that YOU PROCESSED in Elements. I don’t know if you are purposely trying not to understand this, or if you are really struggling with it. Wait, it's both.
  7. Too bad. You're utterly unable to follow the most straightforward instructions as outlined a few minutes ago. Sending a raw is pointless as I'm sure Tony knows. Its clear you know nothing about Dropbox (or alternatives), both available for free. IF it isn't free? "Ignorance is brought about by assumption."-T. D. Jakes Yes. But any further suggestions would be ignored as all the other suggestions here have been by the two of us. It's rather clear on all three sites you've asked about this 'issue' that the agenda isn't a solution, it rarely is with you. You got a few people's attention, the real agenda; isn't that enough for you until next time? Appears not.
  8. He is lost again Tony and unable to follow the simplest instructions to aid him in solving the issue: Zoom into the 16-bit image until you see the green issue; make screen capture.Zoom into the 8-bit image the same way; make screen capture. Save crop (or entire image) in native format, zip and upload both to something like Dropbox. No wonder everyone on the other two forums has given up on this silliness. "Listen to understand instead of listening to respond." - Barack Obama
  9. "Assumptions are made, and most assumptions are wrong."- Albert Einstein Photoshop:https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
  10. If you really wanted help, you would do as suggested. Anything else is just more of “I Frans have another problem and want anyone to pay attention to me”!
  11. As I initially suspected, and like the other two locations where this question was asked*: we're not getting anywhere. * https://forum.luminous-landscape.com/index.php?topic=142176.0 * https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-elements-discussions/green-patches-after-using-auto-haze-removal/m-p/13618633#M88693
  12. That isn't what was requested. Two untagged JPEGs are not going to fly. Save crop (or entire image) in native format, zip and upload both to something like Dropbox.
  13. Zoom into the 16-bit image until you see the green issue; make screen capture. Zoom into the 8-bit image the same way; make screen capture. Save crop (or entire image) in native format, zip and upload both to something like Dropbox.
  14. It could be a corrupted display profile or a profile built using v4 (instead of V2). That the green goes away when zooming, if that is the correct description, indicates this is a display path issue somewhere (IOW, it's not in the data as you describe it). But until you upload the image to something like Dropbox so others can examine it, there isn't much more we can do.
  15. Try disabling GPU in the preferences If turning OFF the GPU works, it's a GPU bug, and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it. This is why disabling GPU is an option as more and more functionality moves to the GPU in newer versions of many Adobe products. Disable third-party graphics accelerators. Third-party GPU overclocking utilities and haxies aren't supported. 
  16. For others entering this thread for the first or 2nd time, this is highly recommended if you have Apple Mail. Otherwise, if you have specific questions about the data I provided here, I'm happy to address those with open minds to data, facts, and (color) science.
  17. A primer for you (since you asked a question): http://digitaldog.net/files/15TheRightLightpart1.pdf I appreciate your strong opinion about the SPDs provided, an opinion formed (by your own admission) of having absolutely no experience creating one. Anyway, with respect to Sandy's post here earlier, I think we're done. Since no one here is taking you seriously, and my data provided dismisses your recommendations of this LED as being far from a Solux replacement, and the fact that there are many dozens of Solux bulbs anyone can purchase from just one (of many websites), I don't see the point in illustrating further for others who may land here, the errors of your recommendations. Adiós.
  18. Hopefully, if you are lucky, Sandy or another moderator can help you here as you helped yourself in the other photo forum after you raised this (off) topic:
  19. You state this because you own this: https://xritephotous.com/i1basic-pro-3-open-box/ And you own this: https://babelcolor.com/store.htm And you know how to use both, and you will provide your own measurements. Not.
  20. Maybe Sandy or someone else can tell you what you want to hear. I've provided the color science and data about the LEDs you recommended; they are hardly a Solux replacement other than they fit by being MR16s.
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